# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is subject to the terms and conditions defined in
# file 'LICENSE.txt', which is part of this source code package.
import numpy as np
from Muscat.Types import MuscatIndex
import Muscat.Containers.ElementsDescription as ED
from Muscat.Containers.Filters.FilterObjects import ElementFilter
from Muscat.Helpers.Logger import Debug, Info
[docs]class DofNumberingNumpy():
def __init__(self):
self.numbering = dict()
self.size = 0
self._doftopointLeft = None
self._doftopointRight = None
self._doftocellLeft = None
self._doftocellRight = None
self._almanac = None
self.fromConnectivity = True
self.discontinuous = False
def __getitem__(self, key):
if key == "size":
# print("Please use the new API of DofNumbering : DofNumbering.size")
return self.size
if key == "fromConnectivity":
# print("Please use the new API of DofNumbering : DofNumbering.fromConnectivity")
return self.fromConnectivity
if key == "doftopointLeft":
# print("Please use the new API of DofNumbering : DofNumbering.doftopointLeft")
return self.doftopointLeft
if key == "doftopointRight":
# print("Please use the new API of DofNumbering : DofNumbering.doftopointRight")
return self.doftopointRight
if key == "doftocellLeft":
# print("Please use the new API of DofNumbering : DofNumbering.doftopointLeft")
return self.doftocellLeft
if key == "doftocellRight":
# print("Please use the new API of DofNumbering : DofNumbering.doftopointRight")
return self.doftocellRight
return self.numbering[key]
[docs] def get(self, key, default=None):
if key in self.numbering:
return self.numbering[key]
return default
def __contains__(self, k):
return k in self.numbering
[docs] def GetSize(self):
return self.size
[docs] def ComputeNumberingFromConnectivity(self, mesh, space):
self.fromConnectivity = True
self.discontinuous = False
self.size = mesh.GetNumberOfNodes()
self._doftopointLeft = range(self.size)
self._doftopointRight = range(self.size)
self._doftocellLeft = []
self._doftocellRight = []
self.fromConnectivity = True
for name, data in mesh.elements.items():
self.numbering[name] = data.connectivity
self._almanac = dict()
data = np.arange(self.size)
self._almanac[('P', 'P')] = (data, data, data)
self.totalNumberOfPoints = mesh.GetNumberOfNodes()
return self
[docs] def GetKeyFromNameAndIdxI(self, on, name, idxI):
if on == 'C':
on = ('C', name)
elif on == 'F2':
on = ('C', ED.faces2[name][idxI][0])
elif on == 'F':
on = ('C', ED.faces1[name][idxI][0])
elif on == "IP":
on = ("IP", name)
elif on == "G":
on = ('G', 'G')
elif on == 'P':
on = ('P', 'P')
return on
[docs] def ComputeNumberingNoSharedDof(self, mesh, space, elementFilter):
self.fromConnectivity = False
self.discontinuous = True
cpt = self.size
if elementFilter is None:
elementFilter = ElementFilter()
for selection in elementFilter(mesh):
nbShapeFunctions = space[selection.elementType].GetNumberOfShapeFunctions()
if selection.elementType in self.numbering:
dofs = self.numbering[selection.elementType]
dofs = np.zeros((selection.elements.GetNumberOfElements(),nbShapeFunctions ), dtype=MuscatIndex) -1
dofs[selection.indices,:] = np.arange(start=cpt,stop=selection.Size()*nbShapeFunctions, dtype=MuscatIndex).reshape(selection.Size(),nbShapeFunctions)
self.numbering[selection.elementType] = dofs
self.mesh = mesh
return self
[docs] def ComputeNumberingGeneral(self, mesh, space, elementFilter=None):
if self._almanac is not None:
raise (Exception("Cant pass 2 time in ComputeNumberingGeneral"))
self.fromConnectivity = False
self.discontinuous = False
if elementFilter is None:
elementFilter = ElementFilter()
from Muscat.Containers.Filters.FilterTools import GetFrozenFilter
elementFilter = GetFrozenFilter(elementFilter, mesh=mesh)
self.totalNumberOfPoints = mesh.GetNumberOfNodes()
def GetNumberingColsSize(k):
if k[0] == 'C':
nn = ED.numberOfNodes[k[1]]
elif k[0] == "IP":
nn = ED.numberOfNodes[k[1]] + 1
elif k[0] == "G":
nn = 1
elif k[0] == "P":
nn = 1
# elif k == "G":
# nn = 1
# elif k == 'P':
# nn = 1
nn = ED.numberOfNodes[k]
return nn
sizes = dict()
Info("Numbering counting ")
# count the total number of shape functions per element
for selection in elementFilter(mesh):
sp = space[selection.elements.elementType]
nsf = sp.GetNumberOfShapeFunctions()
for sf in range(nsf):
on, idxI, idxII = sp.dofAttachments[sf]
key = self.GetKeyFromNameAndIdxI(on, selection.elements.elementType, idxI)
sizes[key] = sizes.get(key, 0) + len(selection.indices)
Debug("Numbering memory allocation")
# allocation of matrices to store all the dofs
storage = {}
for k, v in sizes.items():
nn = GetNumberingColsSize(k)
storage[k] = np.zeros((v, nn), dtype=MuscatIndex)-1
sizes[k] = 0
Debug("Numbering generation dofs keys")
for selection in elementFilter(mesh):
Debug(f"working on {selection.elements.elementType}")
# BOO.ResetStartTime()
sp = space[selection.elements.elementType]
nsf = sp.GetNumberOfShapeFunctions()
elementIdsConnectivity = selection.elements.connectivity[selection.indices, :]
for sf in range(nsf):
nn = GetNumberingColsSize(k)
key, idxI, idxII = self.GetHashFor(selection.elements, sp, selection.indices, sf, False, elidsConnectivity=elementIdsConnectivity)
cpt = sizes[key]
storage[key][cpt:cpt+len(selection.indices), :] = idxI
sizes[key] = cpt + len(selection.indices)
cpt = self.size
tempAlmanac = dict()
Debug("Numbering generation of uniques")
# recover the unique dofs and generate the numbering
for k, v in storage.items():
unique, indices, inverse = np.unique(np.sort(v, axis=1), return_index=True, return_inverse=True, axis=0)
newDofs = np.arange(len(indices)) + cpt
tempAlmanac[k] = (unique, newDofs, inverse)
cpt += len(indices)
sizes[k] = 0
self.size = cpt
Debug("Numbering the bulk")
# push the new dofs to the almanac
maxUsedDim = 0
extractorLeftSide = np.empty(self.size, dtype=MuscatIndex)
extractorRightSide = np.empty(self.size, dtype=MuscatIndex)
extractorcpt = 0
elementcpt = 0
for elementType, data in mesh.elements.items():
ids = elementFilter.GetIdsToTreat(mesh, elementType=elementType)
if len(ids) == 0:
elementcpt += data.GetNumberOfElements()
maxUsedDim = max(maxUsedDim, ED.dimensionality[elementType])
sp = space[elementType]
nsf = sp.GetNumberOfShapeFunctions()
self.numbering[elementType] = np.zeros((data.GetNumberOfElements(), nsf), dtype=MuscatIndex)-1
done = False
for sf in range(nsf):
nn = GetNumberingColsSize(k)
on, idxI, idxII = sp.dofAttachments[sf]
key = self.GetKeyFromNameAndIdxI(on, elementType, idxI)
cpt = sizes[key]
(unique, newDofs, inverse) = tempAlmanac[key]
dofs = newDofs[inverse][cpt:cpt+len(ids)]
self.numbering[elementType][ids, sf] = dofs
sizes[key] = cpt + len(ids)
# the dofs are attached to the the elements
#print(elemName,key, done)
if key[1] == elementType and not done:
done = True
extractorLeftSide[extractorcpt:extractorcpt+len(ids)] = ids
extractorLeftSide[extractorcpt:extractorcpt+len(ids)] += elementcpt
extractorRightSide[extractorcpt:extractorcpt+len(ids)] = dofs
extractorcpt += len(ids)
# raise
elementcpt += data.GetNumberOfElements()
self._doftocellLeft = np.resize(extractorLeftSide, (extractorcpt,))
self._doftocellRight = np.resize(extractorRightSide, (extractorcpt,))
from Muscat.Containers.Filters.FilterOperators import IntersectionFilter, ComplementaryFilter, UnionFilter
# we work on the elements of dim < maxuseddim not present in the original filter
complementary = ComplementaryFilter(filters=[elementFilter])
filters = [ElementFilter(dimensionality=i) for i in range(maxUsedDim)]
# filters.append(complementary)
outside = IntersectionFilter(filters=[UnionFilter(filters=filters), complementary])
# push numbering for elements touching the already numbered elements
# for example the 2D elements on the surface of 3D elements
Info("Numbering the complementary")
for selection in outside(mesh):
sp = space[selection.elementType]
nsf = sp.GetNumberOfShapeFunctions()
if selection.elementType not in self.numbering:
self.numbering[selection.elementType] = np.zeros((selection.elements.GetNumberOfElements(), nsf), dtype=MuscatIndex)-1
elementIdsConnectivity = selection.elements.connectivity[selection.indices, :]
for sf in range(nsf):
nn = GetNumberingColsSize(k)
on, idxI, idxII = sp.dofAttachments[sf]
key = self.GetKeyFromNameAndIdxI(on, selection.elementType, idxI)
if key not in tempAlmanac:
(unique, newDofs, inverse) = tempAlmanac[key]
name, idxI, idxII = self.GetHashFor(selection.elements, sp, selection.indices, sf, False, elidsConnectivity=elementIdsConnectivity)
v = np.vstack((unique, idxI))
uniqueII, indices, inverse = np.unique(np.sort(v, axis=1), return_index=True, return_inverse=True, axis=0)
newnewdofs = np.hstack((newDofs, np.zeros(len(idxI), dtype=MuscatIndex)-1))[inverse][len(unique):]
self.numbering[selection.elementType][selection.indices, sf] = newnewdofs
Info("Numbering Done")
self._almanac = tempAlmanac
def doftopointLeft(self):
if self._doftopointLeft is None:
return self._doftopointLeft
def doftopointRight(self):
if self._doftopointRight is None:
return self._doftopointRight
[docs] def computeDofToPoint(self):
# print(self._almanac.keys())
self.pointDofs = np.zeros(self.totalNumberOfPoints, dtype=MuscatIndex)-1
if ('P', 'P') not in self._almanac:
unique, newdofs, inverse = self._almanac[('P', 'P')]
self._doftopointLeft = unique.flatten()
self._doftopointRight = newdofs.flatten()
self.pointDofs[self._doftopointLeft] = self._doftopointRight
[docs] def GetDofOfPoint(self, pointid):
return self.pointDofs[pointid]
def doftocellLeft(self):
if self._doftocellLeft is None:
return self._doftocellLeft
def doftocellRight(self):
if self._doftocellRight is None:
return self._doftocellRight
[docs] def computeDofToCell(self):
extractorLeftSide = np.empty(self.size, dtype=MuscatIndex)
extractorRightSide = np.empty(self.size, dtype=MuscatIndex)
tmpcpt = 0
for elem, data in self.mesh.elements.items():
unique, newdofs, inverse = self._almanac[elem]
extractorLeftSide[tmpcpt:tmpcpt+len(inverse)] = inverse
extractorRightSide[tmpcpt:tmpcpt+len(inverse)] = newdofs[inverse]
tmpcpt += len(newdofs)
# if k[0] is the elementname then k[1] is the connecivity
# we generate the same almanac with the number of each element
elemDic = {}
for name, data in self.mesh.elements.items():
elemDic[name] = {}
elemDic2 = elemDic[name]
sortedconnectivity = np.sort(data.connectivity, axis=1)
for i in range(data.GetNumberOfElements()):
elemDic2[tuple(sortedconnectivity[i, :])] = i
globaloffsets = self.mesh.ComputeGlobalOffset()
for k, v in self.almanac.items():
# if not k[0] in {'P',"F","F2","G"} :
# we need the global number of the element (not the local to the element container)
if k[0] in elemDic.keys():
localdic = elemDic[k[0]]
if k[1] in localdic.keys():
globaloffset = globaloffsets[k[0]]
extractorLeftSide[tmpcpt] = globaloffset + localdic[k[1]]
extractorRightSide[tmpcpt] = v
tmpcpt += 1
self._doftocellLeft = np.resize(extractorLeftSide, (tmpcpt,))
self._doftocellRight = np.resize(extractorRightSide, (tmpcpt,))
[docs] def GetHashFor(self, data, sp, elids, sf, discontinuous=False, elidsConnectivity=None):
res = []
name = data.elementType
# Debug("2.1")
# print(type(elids))
if elidsConnectivity is None:
elidsConnectivity = data.connectivity[elids, :]
on, idxI, idxII = sp.dofAttachments[sf]
key = self.GetKeyFromNameAndIdxI(on, name, idxI)
if on == "P":
shapeFunctionConnectivity = elidsConnectivity[:, idxI]
return key, shapeFunctionConnectivity[:, None], idxII
if on == "C":
return key, elidsConnectivity, idxI
if on == "F":
edge = ED.faces1[name][idxI]
return key, elidsConnectivity[:, edge[1]], 0
if on == "F2":
edge = ED.faces2[name][idxI]
return key, elidsConnectivity[:, edge[1]], 0
if on == "G":
"""G is for global """
return key, np.zeros((len(elids), 1), dtype=MuscatIndex), idxII
if on == "IP":
return key, np.hstack((elidsConnectivity, -idxI*np.ones(len(elids), dtype=MuscatIndex)[:, None])), idxI
return res
[docs]def CheckIntegrity(GUI: bool = False):
import Muscat.FE.DofNumbering as DN
return DN.CheckIntegrityUsingAlgo("NumpyBase", GUI)
if __name__ == '__main__':
print(CheckIntegrity(True)) # pragma: no cover