Muscat.Containers.MeshTetrahedrization module

CopyElements(this: ElementsContainer, other: ElementsContainer, gidOffset=0) None[source]

Copy the elements from the container other into container this.

Warning : the ids of the nodes must be the same in the two containers

Warning : here the originalIds of the elements relate to the global numbering of the elements in other whereas in ElementsContainer.Merge they relate to the local numbering.

FromIncompleteQuadToQuad(mesh: Mesh) Mesh[source]

Convert incomplete quadratic elements to full quadratic elements

Warning : originalIds of the new mesh are related to the global number of the elements in the input mesh


mesh (Mesh) – the input mesh


a new mesh

Return type:


FromLinearToIncompleteQuad(mesh: Mesh) Mesh[source]

Convert linear elements to incomplete quadratic elements

Warning : originalIds of the new mesh are related to the global number of the elements in the input mesh


mesh (Mesh) – the input mesh


a new mesh

Return type:


FromQuadToLinear(mesh: Mesh) Mesh[source]

Convert incomplete or complete quadratic elements in a mesh into linear elements

Warning : originalIds of the new mesh are related to the global number of the elements in the input mesh


mesh (Mesh) – the input mesh


a new mesh

Return type:


Tetrahedrization(mesh: Mesh) Mesh[source]

Convert all elements in a mesh in simplex elements

Warning : originalIds of the new mesh are related to the global number of the elements in the input mesh


mesh (Mesh) – Input mesh


A new mesh containing simplicial elements

Return type:



Julien Dompierre, Paul Labbé, Marie-Gabrielle Vallet, Ricardo Camarero, “How to subdivide pyramids, prisms and hexahedra into tetrahedra”, International Meshing, 1999

TransferElementFields(inMesh: Mesh, outMesh: Mesh) None[source]

Function to Transfer elemFields from the original mesh to the derived mesh

Warning : originalIds of outmesh are related to the global number of the elements in inmesh

  • inMesh (Mesh) – the source mesh, we extract the fields from inMesh.elemFields.

  • outMesh (Mesh) – The target mesh, we push the new fields into outMesh.elemFields.

TransferElementTags(inMesh: Mesh, outMesh: Mesh) None[source]

Function to copy tags from the inmesh to the outmesh

Warning : originalIds of the outmesh are related to the global number of the elements in the inmesh

  • inMesh (Mesh) – the source mesh with nodes and elements tags.

  • outMesh (Mesh) – The target mesh, we push the new tags.