Muscat.FE.Integrators.NativeIntegration module¶
- CheckIntegrity(GUI: bool = False)¶
- class PyMonoElementsIntegralCpp¶
- ActivateElementType(domain)¶
- AddToNumbefOfUsedIvij(data)¶
- ComputeNumberOfVIJ(mesh, elementFilter: ElementFilter) CMuscatIndex ¶
Compute and return the number triplets to be calculated during integration
- GetNumberOfUsedIvij()¶
- GetTotalTestDofs()¶
- GetTotalUnknownDofs()¶
- Integrate(wform, idstotreat)¶
- IsMultiThread()¶
- PrepareFastIntegration(mesh, wform, vK, iK, jK, cpt, F)¶
- Reset()¶
- SetConstants(cfs)¶
- SetExtraFields(efs)¶
- SetIPValues(i, vdata)¶
- SetIntegrationRule(integrationRuleOrName) None ¶
- SetOnlyEvaluation(onlyEvaluation: bool)¶
- SetPoints(nodes)¶
- SetTestFields(tfs=None)¶
- SetUnknownFields(ufs)¶
- SetValues(i, vdata)¶