Muscat.IO.AnsysWriter module¶
Ansys CDB format writer
- class AnsysWriter[source]¶
Ansys CDB format writer
- AnsysFormulation¶
to export element with a specific physics read the file (variable MuscatToAnsysFormulation) for more details
- Type:
- ExportElementTagInCDBFormat(mesh: Mesh, tagname: str, filename: str | None = None, append: bool = False, filePointer: TextIOWrapper | None = None)[source]¶
Functions to export one element tag as Ansys CDB format. It uses the originals ids
- Parameters:
mesh (Mesh) – mesh from which elements ids for each tag are searched
tagname (str) – element tag
filename (str, optional) – filename in CDB format where the element ids for the provided tag are exported, by default None
append (str, optional) – selects if the info is appended to the file (a+) or overwritten (w or False), by default False
- ExportElementTagsInCDBFormat(mesh: Mesh, tagnames: List[str], filename: str | None = None, filePointer: TextIOWrapper | None = None)[source]¶
Function to export multiple elements tags to Ansys CDB format
- Parameters:
mesh (Mesh) – mesh from which elements ids for each tag are searched
tagnames (list[str]) – list of element tags
filename (str, optional) – filename in CDB format where the element ids for each tag are exported, by default None
- WriteMeshToCDB(fileName: str, mesh: Mesh) None [source]¶
- Function API for writing mesh in the CDB format file (Ansys).
A file is created using the path and name of fileName
- Parameters:
fileName (str) – name with path to the file to be created (relative or absolute)
mesh (UnstructuredMesh) – the mesh to be exported