Source code for Muscat.FE.Fields.FieldTools

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is subject to the terms and conditions defined in
# file 'LICENSE.txt', which is part of this source code package.
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Union, List, Tuple, Callable, Optional, Iterable, Dict

import numpy as np

from Muscat.Types import MuscatFloat, MuscatIndex, ArrayLike
from Muscat.Containers.Mesh import Mesh
from Muscat.Containers.Filters.FilterBase import FilterBase
from Muscat.Containers.Filters.FilterObjects import ElementFilter, NodeFilter
from Muscat.Containers.Filters.FilterOperators import IntersectionFilter, FilterOperatorBase
import Muscat.Containers.ElementsDescription as ED
from Muscat.FE.Fields.FEField import FEField
from Muscat.FE.Fields.IPField import FieldBase, IPField, RestrictedIPField
from Muscat.FE.Spaces.FESpaces import LagrangeSpaceGeo, FESpace
from Muscat.FE.DofNumbering import ComputeDofNumbering
from Muscat.FE.IntegrationRules import MeshQuadrature

[docs] def Maximum(A, B): return A.binaryOp(B, np.maximum)
[docs] def Minimum(A, B): return A.binaryOp(B, np.minimum)
[docs] def ElementWiseIpToFETransferOp(integrationRule: MeshQuadrature, space: FESpace) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]: """Generate transfer operator (element wise) to pass information from integration points to a FE field. This is done by solving a least-squares problem. Parameters ---------- integrationRule : IntegrationRuleType The integration rule of the original data space : FESpace The target space Returns ------- Dict[str,np.ndarray] the operator to pass the data from the integration points to the FEField """ res: Dict[str, np.ndarray] = dict() for name, ir in integrationRule.items(): space_ipValues = space[name].GetSpaceEvaluatedAt(ir.points, ir.weights) valN = np.asarray(space_ipValues.valN, dtype=MuscatFloat) sol = np.linalg.lstsq(valN, np.eye(valN.shape[0], valN.shape[0]), rcond=None)[0] res[name] = sol return res
[docs] def ElementWiseFEToFETransferOp(originSpace: FESpace, targetSpace: FESpace) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]: """Generate transfer operator (element wise) to pass information from a FE Field to a different FE field. This is done by solving a least-squares problem. Parameters ---------- originSpace : FESpace The initial space targetSpace : FESpace The target space Returns ------- Dict[str,np.ndarray] the operator to pass the data from the initial space to the target FEField """ res: Dict[str, np.ndarray] = dict() for name, ir in targetSpace.items(): ir = (originSpace[name].posN, np.ones(originSpace[name].GetNumberOfShapeFunctions(), dtype=MuscatFloat)) spaceIpValues = targetSpace[name].GetSpaceEvaluatedAt(ir[0], ir[1]) valN = np.asarray(spaceIpValues.valN, dtype=MuscatFloat) sol = np.linalg.lstsq(valN, np.eye(valN.shape[0], valN.shape[1]), rcond=None)[0] res[name] = sol return res
[docs] def NodeFieldToFEField(mesh: Mesh, nodeFields: Dict[str, ArrayLike] = None, copy: bool = False) -> Dict[str, FEField]: """Create FEField(P isoparametric) from the node field data. if nodesFields is None the mesh.nodeFields is used Parameters ---------- mesh : Mesh The support for the FEFields nodeFields : Dict[str,ArrayLike], optional the dictionary containing the nodes fields to be converted to FEFields, if None the mesh.nodeFields is used, by default None Returns ------- Dict[str,FEField] A dictionary the keys are field names and the values are the FEFields """ if nodeFields is None: nodeFields = mesh.nodeFields numbering = ComputeDofNumbering(mesh, LagrangeSpaceGeo, fromConnectivity=True) res = {} for name, values in nodeFields.items(): if len(values.shape) == 2 and values.shape[1] > 1: for i in range(values.shape[1]): data = np.asarray(values[:, i], dtype=MuscatFloat, order="C") if copy: data = data.copy() res[name + "_" + str(i)] = FEField(name=name + "_" + str(i), mesh=mesh, space=LagrangeSpaceGeo, numbering=numbering, data=data) else: data = np.asarray(values, dtype=MuscatFloat, order="C") if copy: data = data.copy() res[name] = FEField(name=name, mesh=mesh, space=LagrangeSpaceGeo, numbering=numbering, data=data) return res
[docs] def ElemFieldsToFEField(mesh: Mesh, elemFields: Dict[str, ArrayLike] = None, copy=False) -> Dict[str, FEField]: """Create FEField(P0) from the elements field data. if elemFields is None the mesh.elemFields is used Parameters ---------- mesh : Mesh The support for the FEFields elemFields : Dict[str,ArrayLike], optional a dict containing the elements fields to be converted to FEFields if elemFields is None the mesh.elemFields is used, by default None Returns ------- Dict[str,FEField] A dictionary the keys are field names and the values are the FEFields """ if elemFields is None: elemFields = mesh.elemFields from Muscat.FE.Spaces.FESpaces import LagrangeSpaceP0 numbering = ComputeDofNumbering(mesh, LagrangeSpaceP0) res = {} for name, values in elemFields.items(): if len(values.shape) == 2 and values.shape[1] > 1: for i in range(values.shape[1]): data = np.asarray(values[:, i], dtype=MuscatFloat, order="C") if copy: data = data.copy() res[name + "_" + str(i)] = FEField(name=name + "_" + str(i), mesh=mesh, space=LagrangeSpaceP0, numbering=numbering, data=data) else: data = np.asarray(values, dtype=MuscatFloat, order="C") if copy: data = data.copy() res[name] = FEField(name=name, mesh=mesh, space=LagrangeSpaceP0, numbering=numbering, data=data) return res
[docs] def FEFieldsDataToVector(listOfFields: List[FEField], outVector: Optional[ArrayLike] = None, copy: bool = False) -> np.ndarray: """Put FEFields data into a vector format Parameters ---------- listOfFields : List[FEField] list of FEFields (the order is important) outVector : Optional[ArrayLike], optional if provided the output vector, by default None Returns ------- np.ndarray _description_ """ if outVector is None: s = sum([f.numbering.size for f in listOfFields]) outVector = np.zeros(s, dtype=MuscatFloat) offset = 0 for f in listOfFields: if copy: outVector[offset : offset + f.numbering.size] = else: outVector[offset : offset + f.numbering.size] = offset += f.numbering.size return outVector
[docs] def VectorToFEFieldsData(inVector: ArrayLike, listOfFields: List[FEField]): """Put vector data in FEFields Parameters ---------- inVector : ArrayLike vector with the data listOfFields : List[FEField] list of FEFields to store the data """ offset = 0 for f in listOfFields: = inVector[offset : offset + f.numbering.size] offset += f.numbering.size
[docs] def GetPointRepresentation(listOfFEFields: List[FEField], fillValue: MuscatFloat = 0.0) -> np.ndarray: """Get a np.ndarray compatible with the points of the mesh for a list of FEFields. Each field in the list is treated as a scalar component for the output field Parameters ---------- listOfFEFields : List[FEField] list of FEFields to extract the information fillValue : MuscatFloat, optional value to use in the case some field are not defined over all the nodes, by default 0. Returns ------- np.ndarray the output and nd array of size (nb points, nb of FEField) """ nbFields = len(listOfFEFields) res = np.empty((listOfFEFields[0].mesh.GetNumberOfNodes(), nbFields)) for i, f in enumerate(listOfFEFields): res[:, i] = f.GetPointRepresentation(fillValue=fillValue) return res
[docs] def GetCellRepresentation(listOfFEFields: List[FEField], fillValue: MuscatFloat = 0.0, method="mean") -> np.ndarray: """Get a np.ndarray compatible with the points of the mesh for a list of FEFields. Each field in the list is treated as a scalar component for the output field Parameters ---------- listOfFEFields : list list of FEFields to extract the information fillValue: float value to use in the case some field are not defined over all the nodes, by default 0. method: str | mean Read FEField.GetCellRepresentation for more information, by default "mean". Returns ------- np.array Array of size (number of elements, number of fields) """ nbFields = len(listOfFEFields) res = np.empty((listOfFEFields[0].mesh.GetNumberOfElements(), nbFields)) for i, f in enumerate(listOfFEFields): res[:, i] = f.GetCellRepresentation(fillValue=fillValue, method=method) return res
[docs] class IntegrationPointWrapper(FieldBase): """Class to generate a FEField at the integration points Two important function are available : diff and GetIpField. Parameters ---------- field : FEField the field to evaluate rule : _type_ the integration rule elementFilter : ElementFilter, optional in this case a RestrictedIPField is generated, by default None """ def __init__(self, field: FEField, rule, elementFilter: Optional[ElementFilter] = None): if not isinstance(field, FEField): # pragma no cover raise TypeError("IntegrationPointWrapper work only on FEFields") self.feField = field self.rule = rule self._opipCache = None self._opdiffCache = {} self.elementFilter = elementFilter @property def name(self): return
[docs] def ResetCache(self): self._ipCache = None self._diffIpCache = {}
[docs] def diff(self, compName: str) -> Union[IPField, RestrictedIPField]: """Get the IPField representation of this field with a derivation in the direction of compName Parameters ---------- compName : str compName are available in : from Muscat.FE.SymWeakForm import space Returns ------- (IPField | RestrictedIPField) Depending on the presence of an elementFilter """ from Muscat.FE.SymWeakForm import space3D from sympy import Symbol for cm in range(3): if space3D[cm, 0] == compName: break elif isinstance(compName, str) and space3D[cm, 0] == Symbol(compName): break else: cm = compName from Muscat.FE.Fields.FieldTools import TransferFEFieldToIPField if cm not in self._opdiffCache: op = GetTransferOpToIPField(self.feField, rule=self.rule, der=cm, elementFilter=self.elementFilter) self._opdiffCache[cm] = op res = TransferFEFieldToIPField(self.feField, der=cm, rule=self.rule, elementFilter=self.elementFilter, op=self._opdiffCache[cm]) = "d" + + "d" + str(compName) return res
[docs] def GetIpField(self) -> Union[IPField, RestrictedIPField]: """Get the integration point representation of the field Returns ------- Union[IPField, RestrictedIPField] Depending on the presence of an elementFilter """ from Muscat.FE.Fields.FieldTools import TransferFEFieldToIPField if self._opipCache is None: op = GetTransferOpToIPField(self.feField, rule=self.rule, der=-1, elementFilter=self.elementFilter) self._opipCache = op return TransferFEFieldToIPField(self.feField, der=-1, rule=self.rule, elementFilter=self.elementFilter, op=self._opipCache)
[docs] def unaryOp(self, op): return self.GetIpField().unaryOp(op)
[docs] def binaryOp(self, other, op): return self.GetIpField().binaryOp(other, op)
@property def data(self): return self.GetIpField().data
DescriptionValue = Union[float, Callable[[np.ndarray], float]] DescriptionUnit = Tuple[FilterBase, DescriptionValue]
[docs] def CreateFieldFromDescription(mesh: Mesh, fieldDefinition: Iterable[DescriptionUnit], fieldType: str = "FE") -> Union[FEField, IPField]: """ Create a FEField from a field description Parameters ---------- mesh : Mesh fieldDefinition : List[Tuple[Union[ElementFilter,NodeFilter],Union[float,Callable[[np.ndarray],float]]]] A field definition is a list of Tuples (with 2 element each ). The first element of the tuple is a ElementFilter or a NodeFilter The second element of the tuple is a float or float returning callable (argument is a point in the space) fieldType : str, optional type of field created FEField or IPField ("FE", "FE-P0", "IP") by default "FE" (isoparametric) Returns ------- Union[FEField,IPField] created Field with values coming from the field description """ if fieldType == "FE": from Muscat.FE.FETools import PrepareFEComputation spaces, numberings, offset, NGauss = PrepareFEComputation(mesh, numberOfComponents=1) res = FEField(mesh=mesh, space=spaces, numbering=numberings[0]) res.Allocate() FillFEField(res, fieldDefinition) elif fieldType == "FE-P0": from Muscat.FE.Spaces.FESpaces import LagrangeSpaceP0 numbering = ComputeDofNumbering(mesh, LagrangeSpaceP0) res = FEField(mesh=mesh, space=LagrangeSpaceP0, numbering=numbering) res.Allocate() FillFEField(res, fieldDefinition) elif fieldType == "IP": res = IPField(mesh=mesh, ruleName="LagrangeIsoParamQuadrature") res.Allocate() FillIPField(res, fieldDefinition) else: raise RuntimeError("fieldType not valid") # pragma no cover return res
[docs] def GetTransferOpToIPField(inputField: FEField, ruleName: Optional[str] = None, rule: Optional[MeshQuadrature] = None, der: int = -1, elementFilter: Optional[ElementFilter] = None) -> FeToIPOp: """Compute the transfer operator (.dot()) to construct a IPField (of RestrictedIPField) IPField = Parameters ---------- inputField : FEField the input FEField ruleName : Optional[str], optional the ruleName of the integration rule to use, by default None (see Muscat.FE.IntegrationsRules:GetRule for more info) rule : Optional[Tuple[np.ndarray,np.ndarray]], optional the integration rule to use, by default None (see Muscat.FE.IntegrationsRules:GetRule for more info) der : int, optional the coordinate to be derived -1 no derivations only evaluation at IP [0,1,2] the coordinate number to compute derivative of the FEField by default -1 elementFilter : Optional[ElementFilter], optional An element filter to restrict the operator. In this case a RestrictedIPField is generated _description_, by default None Returns ------- FeToIPOp An instance of an object with the .dot operator """ from Muscat.FE.IntegrationRules import GetIntegrationRule from Muscat.FE.Spaces.IPSpaces import GenerateSpaceForIntegrationPointInterpolation from Muscat.FE.Integration import IntegrateGeneral from Muscat.FE.DofNumbering import ComputeDofNumbering iRule = GetIntegrationRule(ruleName=ruleName, rule=rule) gaussSpace = GenerateSpaceForIntegrationPointInterpolation(iRule) mesh = inputField.mesh class FeToIPOp(dict): """Helper class to hold the transfer matrices between the FEField and the IPField Parameters ---------- iRule : The integration rule to be used elementFilter : ElementFilter The ElementFilter to generate the RestrictedIPField """ def __init__(self, iRule, elementFilter): super().__init__() self.iRule = iRule self.elementFilter = elementFilter def dot(self, inputField: FEField) -> Union[IPField, RestrictedIPField]: """Implementation of the transfer Parameters ---------- inputField : FEField input FEField Returns ------- Union[IPField,RestrictedIPField] the type depends on the presence or not of a self.elementFilter """ return TransferFEFieldToIPField(inputField, rule=self.iRule, elementFilter=self.elementFilter, op=self) res = FeToIPOp(iRule, elementFilter=elementFilter) for elementType in mesh.elements.keys(): if elementFilter is not None: eF = IntersectionFilter((ElementFilter(elementType=[elementType]), elementFilter)) else: eF = ElementFilter(elementType=[elementType]) idsToTreat = eF.GetIdsToTreat(mesh, elementType) if len(idsToTreat) == 0: continue numberingRight = ComputeDofNumbering(mesh, Space=gaussSpace, elementFilter=eF) rightField = FEField(name="Gauss'", numbering=numberingRight, mesh=mesh, space=gaussSpace) from Muscat.FE.SymWeakForm import GetField, GetTestField, space3D LF = GetField(, 1) RF = GetTestField("Gauss", 1) if der == -1: symForm = LF.T * RF else: symForm = LF.diff(space3D[der]).T * RF transferMatrixMatrix, _ = IntegrateGeneral( mesh=mesh, constants={}, fields=[], wform=symForm, unknownFields=[inputField], testFields=[rightField], onlyEvaluation=True, integrationRule=iRule, elementFilter=eF ) res[elementType] = transferMatrixMatrix return res
[docs] def TransferFEFieldToIPField(inFEField: FEField, ruleName: Optional[str] = None, rule=None, der: int = -1, elementFilter: Optional[ElementFilter] = None, op=None) -> Union[IPField, RestrictedIPField]: """Transfer FEField to a IPField Parameters ---------- inFEField : FEField the input FEField ruleName : Optional[str], optional the ruleName of the integration rule to use, by default None (see Muscat.FE.IntegrationsRules:GetRule for more info) rule : Optional[Tuple[np.ndarray,np.ndarray]], optional the integration rule to use, by default None (see Muscat.FE.IntegrationsRules:GetRule for more info) der : int, optional the coordinate to be derived -1 no derivations only evaluation at IP [0,1,2] the coordinate number to compute derivative of the FEField by default -1 elementFilter : Optional[ElementFilter], optional An element filter to restrict the operator. In this case a RestrictedIPField is generated _description_, by default None op : _type_, optional an object returned by the GetTransferOpToIPField function if not given then this op is calculated internally by default None Returns ------- Union[IPField,RestrictedIPField] The field evaluated at the integration points """ if op is None: op = GetTransferOpToIPField(inputField=inFEField, ruleName=ruleName, rule=rule, der=der, elementFilter=elementFilter) from Muscat.FE.IntegrationRules import GetIntegrationRule iRule: MeshQuadrature = GetIntegrationRule(ruleName=ruleName, rule=rule) if elementFilter is None: outField = IPField(, mesh=inFEField.mesh, rule=iRule) outField.Allocate() else: outField = RestrictedIPField(, mesh=inFEField.mesh, rule=iRule, elementFilter=elementFilter) outField.Allocate() mesh = inFEField.mesh for elementType, d in mesh.elements.items(): if elementType not in op: continue nbElements = op[elementType].shape[0] // iRule[elementType].GetNumberOfPoints() data = op[elementType].dot([elementType] = np.reshape(data, (nbElements, iRule[elementType].GetNumberOfPoints()), "F")[elementType] = np.ascontiguousarray([elementType]) return outField
[docs] def TransferPosToIPField(mesh: Mesh, ruleName: Optional[str] = None, rule: Optional[Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]] = None, elementFilter: Optional[ElementFilter] = None) -> List[IPField]: """ Create (2 or 3) IPFields with the values of the space coordinates Parameters ---------- mesh : Mesh ruleName : str, optional The Integration rule name, by default None ("LagrangeIsoParamQuadrature") rule : Tuple[np.ndarray,np.ndarray], optional The Integration Rule, by default None ("LagrangeIsoParamQuadrature") elementFilter : ElementFilter, optional the zone where the transfer must be applied, by default None (all the elements) Returns ------- List[IPField] The IPFields containing the coordinates """ from Muscat.FE.DofNumbering import ComputeDofNumbering from Muscat.FE.Spaces.FESpaces import LagrangeSpaceGeo numbering = ComputeDofNumbering(mesh, LagrangeSpaceGeo, fromConnectivity=True) inputField = FEField(mesh=mesh, space=LagrangeSpaceGeo, numbering=numbering, data=None) op = GetTransferOpToIPField(inputField=inputField, ruleName=ruleName, rule=rule, der=-1, elementFilter=elementFilter) d = mesh.nodes.shape[1] outField = [] for c, name in enumerate(["posx", "posy", "posz"][0:d]): = mesh.nodes[:, c] f = = name outField.append(f) return outField
[docs] def FillIPField(field: IPField, fieldDefinition) -> None: """ Fill a IPField using a definition Parameters ---------- field : IPField IPField to treat fieldDefinition : List[Tuple[ElementFilter,Union[float,Callable[[np.ndarray],float]]]] A field definition is a list of Tuples (with 2 element each ). The first element of the tuple is a ElementFilter or a NodeFilter The second element of the tuple is a float or float returning callable (argument is a point in the space) """ for f, val in fieldDefinition: if callable(val): fValue = val else: fValue = lambda x: val if isinstance(f, ElementFilter): for selection in f(field.mesh): geoSpace = LagrangeSpaceGeo[selection.elementType] rule = field.GetRuleFor(selection.elementType) nbIp = rule.GetNumberOfPoints() geoSpaceIpValues = geoSpace.GetSpaceEvaluatedAt(rule.points, rule.weights) for elementsId in selection.indices: for i in range(nbIp): valN = geoSpaceIpValues.valN[i] elementNodesCoordinates = field.mesh.nodes[selection.elements.connectivity[elementsId, :], :] pos =, elementNodesCoordinates).T[selection.elementType][elementsId, i] = fValue(pos) continue raise ValueError(f"Cant use this type of filter to fill an IPField : {type(f)}") # pragma no cover
[docs] def FillFEField(field: FEField, fieldDefinition) -> None: """Fill a FEField using a definition Parameters ---------- field : FEField FEField to treat fieldDefinition : List[Tuple[Union[ElementFilter, NodeFilter], Union[float, Callable[[np.ndarray], float]]]] A field definition is a list of Tuples (with 2 element each ). The first element of the tuple is a ElementFilter or a NodeFilter The second element of the tuple is a float or float returning callable (argument is a point in the space) """ for f, val in fieldDefinition: needPos = False if callable(val): fValue = val needPos = True else: fValue = lambda x: val if isinstance(f, (ElementFilter, FilterOperatorBase)): treated = np.zeros(field.numbering.size, dtype=bool) nodes = field.mesh.nodes for selection in f(field.mesh): elementType = selection.elements.elementType numbering = field.numbering[elementType] if needPos == False: idDofs = numbering[selection.indices, :].flatten()[idDofs] = fValue(None) else: sp =[elementType] nbShapeFunctions = sp.GetNumberOfShapeFunctions() geoSpace = LagrangeSpaceGeo[elementType] geoSpaceIpValues = geoSpace.GetSpaceEvaluatedAt(sp.posN, np.ones(nbShapeFunctions)) valN = geoSpaceIpValues.valN connectivity = selection.elements.connectivity for elementId in selection.indices: elementNodesCoordinates = nodes[connectivity[elementId, :], :] dofs = numbering[elementId, :] pos =, elementNodesCoordinates) for i in range(nbShapeFunctions): if treated[dofs[i]]: continue[dofs[i]] = fValue(pos[i, :]) treated[dofs[i]] = True # for i in range(nbShapeFunctions): # dofId = field.numbering[name][elementId,i] # if treated[dofId]: # continue # treated[dofId] =True # valN = geoSpaceIpValues.valN[i] # pos = ,elementNodesCoordinates).T #[dofId] = fValue(pos) elif isinstance(f, NodeFilter): ids = f.GetNodesIndices(field.mesh) for pid in ids: dofId = field.numbering.GetDofOfPoint(pid) pos = field.mesh.nodes[pid, :][dofId] = fValue(pos) else: # pragma no cover raise ValueError(f"Don't know how to treat this type of field {type(f)}")
[docs] def FieldsAtIp(listOfFields: List[Union[FEField, IPField, RestrictedIPField]], rule, elementFilter: Optional[ElementFilter] = None) -> List[Union[IntegrationPointWrapper, IPField, RestrictedIPField]]: """Convert a list of Field (FEFields,IPField,RestrictedIPField) to a list of IPFields Parameters ---------- listOfFields : List[Union[IPField,RestrictedIPField]] the list of fields to be treated rule : _type_ the integration rule to be used for the evaluation elementFilter : Optional[ElementFilter], optional the filter to select the element to treat, by default None Returns ------- List[Union[IntegrationPointWrapper,IPField,RestrictedIPField]] the list of IPFilters Raises ------ Exception in the case of a internal error """ from Muscat.FE.Fields.FieldTools import IntegrationPointWrapper res = [] for f in listOfFields: if isinstance(f, FEField): res.append(IntegrationPointWrapper(f, rule, elementFilter=elementFilter)) elif isinstance(f, IPField): if f.rule == rule: if elementFilter is None: res.append(f) else: res.append(f.GetRestrictedIPField(elementFilter)) else: # pragma no cover raise ValueError(f"The integration rule of the field {} not compatible with the rule provided") else: # pragma no cover raise Exception(f"Don't know how to treat this type of field {type(f)}") return res
[docs] class FieldsMeshTransportation: """Class to help the transfer of field (FEField and IPField) between old and new meshes""" def __init__(self, oldMesh, newMesh): self.cache_numbering = {} self.oldMesh = oldMesh self.newMesh = newMesh
[docs] def ResetCacheData(self): self.cache_numbering = {}
[docs] def GetNumbering(self, mesh, space, fromConnectivity=False, discontinuous=False): meshId = str(id(mesh)) spaceId = str(id(space)) key = (meshId, spaceId, fromConnectivity, discontinuous) if key not in self.cache_numbering: self.cache_numbering[key] = ComputeDofNumbering(mesh, space, fromConnectivity=fromConnectivity, discontinuous=discontinuous) return self.cache_numbering[key]
[docs] def TransportFieldToOldMesh(self, inputField: Union[FEField, IPField], fillValue: MuscatFloat = 0.0) -> Union[FEField, IPField]: """Function to transport a FEField on the old mesh, the inputField mesh must be a transformation of the old mesh. This means the inputField mesh originalIds (for nodes and elements) must be with respect to the old mesh. Parameters ---------- inputField : FEField or a IPField the field to be transported fillValue : MuscatFloat, optional Value to fill the values of the dofs not present in the inFEField , by default 0. Returns ------- FEField or IPField a FEField or a IPField (depending on the inputField Type) on the old mesh filled with the values of the input field """ if id(inputField.mesh) == id(self.oldMesh): return inputField if isinstance(inputField, IPField): outData = {} for elemType, data in inputField.mesh.elements.items(): inData =[elemType] outData[elemType] = np.full((self.oldMesh.elements[elemType].GetNumberOfElements(), inData.shape[1]), fill_value=fillValue) outData[elemType][data.originalIds, :] =[elemType] res = IPField(, mesh=self.oldMesh, rule=inputField.rule, data=outData) return res if isinstance(inputField, FEField): name = space = if inputField.numbering.fromConnectivity: numbering = ComputeDofNumbering(self.oldMesh, space, fromConnectivity=True) res = FEField(name=name, mesh=self.oldMesh, space=space, numbering=numbering) res.Allocate(fillValue)[inputField.mesh.originalIDNodes] = else: numbering = self.GetNumbering(self.oldMesh, space) res = FEField(name=name, mesh=self.oldMesh, space=space, numbering=numbering) res.Allocate(fillValue) for name, data in self.oldMesh.elements.items(): if name not in inputField.mesh.elements: continue newData = inputField.mesh.elements[name][numbering[name][newData.originalIds, :].flatten()] =[inputField.numbering[name].flatten()] return res raise TypeError(f" input field cant be of type {type()}") # pragma no cover
[docs] def TransportFieldToNewMesh(self, inputField: Union[FEField, IPField]) -> Union[FEField, IPField]: """Function to create a Field on the new mesh, the new mesh must be a transformation of the mesh in the inputField. This means the new mesh originalIds (for nodes and elements) must be with respect to the mesh of the inputField Parameters ---------- inputField : FEField or a IPField the FEField to be transported to the new mesh Returns ------- FEField or IPField a FEField or a IPField (depending on the inputField Type) on the new mesh filled with the values of the input field """ if id(inputField.mesh) == id(self.newMesh): return inputField if isinstance(inputField, IPField): outputData = {} for elemType, data in self.newMesh.elements.items(): outputData[elemType] =[elemType][data.originalIds, :] res = IPField(, mesh=self.newMesh, rule=inputField.rule, data=outputData) return res if isinstance(inputField, FEField): name = space = if inputField.numbering.fromConnectivity: numbering = ComputeDofNumbering(self.newMesh, space, fromConnectivity=True) res = FEField(name=name, mesh=self.newMesh, space=space, numbering=numbering) =[self.newMesh.originalIDNodes] else: numbering = ComputeDofNumbering(self.newMesh, space) res = FEField(name=name, mesh=self.newMesh, space=space, numbering=numbering) res.Allocate() for name, data in self.newMesh.elements.items():[numbering[name].flatten()] =[inputField.numbering[name][data.originalIds, :].flatten()] return res raise TypeError(f" input field cant be of type {type()}") # pragma no cover
[docs] class FieldsEvaluator: """Helper to evaluate expression using FEField and IPFields. The user can add fields and constants. Then this class can be used to compute an expression (given using an callable object). The callable can capture some of the argument but the last must be `**args` (so extra argument are ignored). """ def __init__(self, fields=None): self.originals = {} from Muscat.FE.IntegrationRules import GetIntegrationRuleByName self.rule = GetIntegrationRuleByName("LagrangeIsoParamQuadrature") self.ruleAtCenter = GetIntegrationRuleByName("ElementCenter") self.atIp = {} self.atCenter = {} if fields is not None: for f in fields: self.AddField(f) self.constants = {} self.elementFilter = None self.modified = True
[docs] def AddField(self, field: FieldBase): """Add a field to the internal almanac Parameters ---------- field : FieldBase A field to be added to the almanac """ self.originals[] = field
[docs] def AddConstant(self, name: str, val: MuscatFloat): """Add a constant value to the almanac Parameters ---------- name : str name of the value val : MuscatFloat Value """ self.constants[name] = val
[docs] def Update(self, what: str = "all"): """Function to update the field calculated at different support (a FEField can be internally evaluated at the integration points) The objective of this function is to update this evaluation Parameters ---------- what : str, optional ["all", "IPField", "Centroids"], by default "all" """ for name, field in self.originals.items(): if what == "all" or what == "IPField": self.atIp[name] = FieldsAtIp([field], self.rule, elementFilter=self.elementFilter)[0] if what == "all" or what == "Centroids": self.atCenter[name] = FieldsAtIp([field], self.ruleAtCenter, elementFilter=self.elementFilter)[0]
[docs] def GetFieldsAt(self, on: str) -> Dict: """Get the internal representations of the user fields ant different support Parameters ---------- on : str ["IPField", "Centroids", "FEField", "Nodes"] Returns ------- Dict A dictionary containing the different representation of the user fields Raises ------ ValueError In the case the "on" parameter is not valid """ if on == "IPField": res = self.atIp elif on == "Nodes": res = {} for f in self.originals.values(): res[] = f.GetPointRepresentation() elif on == "Centroids": res = self.atCenter elif on == "FEField": res = self.originals else: raise ValueError(f"Target support not supported ({on})") # pragma no cover result = dict(self.constants) result.update(res) return result
[docs] def GetOptimizedFunction(self, func): import sympy import inspect from Muscat.FE.SymWeakForm import space3D class OptimizedFunction: """Internal function to convert a function written in python into a compiled sympy function. """ def __init__(self, func, constants): self.constants = dict(constants) # get arguments names args = inspect.getfullargspec(func).args # clean self, in the case of a member function if args[0] == "self": args.pop(0) symbolicSymbols = {} self.args = args for n in args: if n in self.constants: symbolicSymbols[n] = self.constants[n] else: symbolicSymbols[n] = sympy.Function(n)(*space3D) # symbolically evaluation of the function funcValues = func(**symbolicSymbols) repl, residual = sympy.cse(funcValues) restKeys = list(symbolicSymbols.keys()) restKeys.extend(["x", "y", "z"]) self.auxFunctions = [] self.auxNames = [] for i, v in enumerate(repl): funcLam = sympy.lambdify(restKeys, v[1]) self.auxFunctions.append(funcLam) funcName = str(v[0]) self.auxNames.append(funcName) restKeys.append(str(v[0])) self.mainFunc = sympy.lambdify(restKeys, residual) def __call__(self, **args): numericFields = {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0} class Toto: def __init__(self, obj): self.obj = obj def __call__(self, *args, **kwds): return self.obj for n in self.args: if n not in args: numericFields[n] = self.constants[n] else: numericFields[n] = Toto(args[n]) for name, func in zip(self.auxNames, self.auxFunctions): numericFields[name] = func(**numericFields) return self.mainFunc(**numericFields)[0] return OptimizedFunction(func, self.constants)
[docs] def Compute(self, func: Callable, on: str, useSympy: bool = False): """Compute the function func using the user fields on the support "on" Parameters ---------- func : Callable the function to evaluate on : str ["IPField", "Centroids", "FEField", "Nodes"] useSympy : bool, optional if true the function is compiled using sympy , by default False Returns ------- Any The callable evaluated """ if useSympy: func = self.GetOptimizedFunction(func) fields = self.GetFieldsAt(on) return func(**fields)
[docs] def ComputeTransferOp(field1: FEField, field2: FEField, force: bool = False) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ Compute the transfer Operator from field1 to field2 Both fields must be compatibles fields: same mesh, same space but with different numberings - example of use: lIndex,rIndex = ComputeTransferOp(field1,field2):[lIndex] =[rIndex] Parameters ---------- field1 : FEField field from where the information is extracted field2 : FEField field to receive the information force : bool, optional true to bypass the compatibility check, by default False Returns ------- Tuple(np.ndarray,np.ndarray) index vector for field2, index vector for field1 """ if field1.mesh != field2.mesh and not force: # pragma no cover raise Exception("The fields must share the same mesh") if != and not force: # pragma no cover raise Exception("The fields must share the same space") _extractorLeft = [] _extractorRight = [] for name in field1.mesh.elements.keys(): a = field1.numbering.get(name, None) b = field2.numbering.get(name, None) if a is not None and b is not None: mask = np.logical_and(a >= 0, b >= 0) _extractorLeft.extend(b[mask]) _extractorRight.extend(a[mask]) extractorLeft = np.array(_extractorLeft, dtype=MuscatIndex) extractorRight = np.array(_extractorRight, dtype=MuscatIndex) v, index = np.unique(extractorLeft, return_index=True) extractorLeft = v extractorRight = extractorRight[index] return extractorLeft, extractorRight
# def CheckIntegrity_ElementWiseIpToFETransferOp(GUI:bool=False): # ElementWiseIpToFETransferOp() # return "ok"
[docs] def CheckIntegrity_ElementWiseFEToFETransferOp(GUI: bool = False): from Muscat.FE.Spaces.FESpaces import LagrangeSpaceP1, LagrangeSpaceP2 ElementWiseFEToFETransferOp(LagrangeSpaceP1, LagrangeSpaceP2) return "ok"
[docs] def CheckIntegrity_FieldsAtIp(GUI: bool = False): from Muscat.Containers.MeshCreationTools import CreateUniformMeshOfBars from Muscat.FE.IntegrationRules import GetIntegrationRuleByName mesh = CreateUniformMeshOfBars(0, 1, 10) field1 = CreateFieldFromDescription(mesh, [(ElementFilter(), 1)]) field2 = CreateFieldFromDescription(mesh, [(ElementFilter(), 2)], fieldType="FE-P0") field3 = CreateFieldFromDescription(mesh, [(ElementFilter(), 2)], fieldType="IP") FieldsAtIp([field1, field2, field3], GetIntegrationRuleByName("LagrangeIsoParamQuadrature")) FieldsAtIp([field1, field2, field3], GetIntegrationRuleByName("LagrangeIsoParamQuadrature"), elementFilter=ElementFilter()) return "ok"
[docs] def CheckIntegrity_Legacy(GUI: bool = False): CheckIntegrity_ElementWiseFEToFETransferOp(GUI=GUI) from Muscat.Containers.MeshCreationTools import CreateUniformMeshOfBars mesh = CreateUniformMeshOfBars(0, 1, 10) bars = mesh.GetElementsOfType(ED.Bar_2) bars.tags.CreateTag("first3").SetIds([0, 1, 2]) bars.tags.CreateTag("next3").SetIds([3, 4, 5]) bars.tags.CreateTag("Last").SetIds([8]) mesh.nodesTags.CreateTag("FirstPoint").SetIds([0]) mesh.nodesTags.CreateTag("LastPoint").SetIds([9]) print(mesh) fieldDefinition = [(ElementFilter(), 5)] fieldDefinition.append((ElementFilter(eTag=["first3"]), 3)) fieldDefinition.append((ElementFilter(eTag=["Last"]), -1)) fieldDefinition.append((ElementFilter(eTag=["next3"]), lambda x: x[0])) field = CreateFieldFromDescription(mesh, fieldDefinition, fieldType="IP") print(field) print( field = CreateFieldFromDescription(mesh, fieldDefinition, fieldType="FE-P0") print(field) print( fieldDefinition.append((NodeFilter(nTag=["FirstPoint"]), -10)) fieldDefinition.append((NodeFilter(nTag=["LastPoint"]), lambda x: x[0] + 1.2)) field = CreateFieldFromDescription(mesh, fieldDefinition) = "tempFieldName" print( field.Allocate(val=0) FillFEField(field, fieldDefinition) print("IntegrationPointWrapper --*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-") from Muscat.FE.IntegrationRules import GetIntegrationRuleByName ipw = IntegrationPointWrapper(field, GetIntegrationRuleByName("LagrangeIsoParamQuadrature"), elementFilter=ElementFilter(dimensionality=1)) np.testing.assert_equal(, ipw.ResetCache() from sympy import Symbol ipw.diff(Symbol("x")) ipw.diff("x") ## derivative with respect to X (0) ipw.diff(0) ## derivative with respect to X (0) ipw.GetIpField() ipw.GetIpField() a = ipw + 1 b = -ipw print("ops on fields --*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-") fmax = Maximum(field, 1) fmin = Minimum(field, 1) print("--*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-") nodalTransferredField = TransferFEFieldToIPField(field, ruleName="LagrangeIsoParamQuadrature", elementFilter=ElementFilter(dimensionality=1, eTag="next3")) print("--*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*--") print("input") print( print("output") print( print(nodalTransferredField.GetIpFieldRepresentation(1).data) res = TransferPosToIPField(mesh, ruleName="LagrangeIsoParamQuadrature", elementFilter=ElementFilter(dimensionality=1, eTag="next3")) print(res[0].data) print(res[0].GetIpFieldRepresentation().data) = "E" FEval = FieldsEvaluator(fields=[field]) FEval.AddConstant("alpha", 0) def op(E, alpha, **args): return (2 * E + 1 + alpha) + (2 * E + 1 + alpha) ** 2 + (2 * E + 1 + alpha) ** 3 print("--------") print( print("--------") res = FEval.Compute(op, "FEField") print( FEval.Update("IPField") res = FEval.Compute(op, "IPField") print( FEval.Update("Centroids") FEval.GetFieldsAt("IPField") FEval.GetFieldsAt("Nodes") FEval.GetFieldsAt("Centroids") FEval.GetFieldsAt("FEField") FEField res = FEval.Compute(op, "FEField", useSympy=True) print( mesh.nodeFields["FEField_onPoints"] = GetPointRepresentation( [ res, ] ) mesh.nodeFields["FEField_onPoints_Vector"] = GetPointRepresentation( [ res, res, ] ) mesh.elemFields["FEField_onElements"] = GetCellRepresentation( [ res, ] ) mesh.elemFields["FEField_onElements_Vector"] = GetCellRepresentation( [ res, res, ] ) print(NodeFieldToFEField(mesh)) print(NodeFieldToFEField(mesh, copy=True)) print(ElemFieldsToFEField(mesh)) print(ElemFieldsToFEField(mesh, copy=True)) vector = FEFieldsDataToVector([res]) vector = FEFieldsDataToVector([res], copy=True) VectorToFEFieldsData(vector, [res]) res = FEval.GetOptimizedFunction(op) # ---- TransportFieldToNewMesh ------------- fieldIP = CreateFieldFromDescription(mesh, [(ElementFilter(), 5)], fieldType="IP") fieldP0 = CreateFieldFromDescription(mesh, [(ElementFilter(), 5)], fieldType="FE-P0") from Muscat.Containers.MeshInspectionTools import ExtractElementsByElementFilter mesh2 = ExtractElementsByElementFilter(field.mesh, ElementFilter(dimensionality=1)) obj = FieldsMeshTransportation(field.mesh, mesh2) obj.TransportFieldToOldMesh(field) fieldNew = obj.TransportFieldToNewMesh(field) almostField = obj.TransportFieldToOldMesh(fieldNew) obj.TransportFieldToNewMesh(fieldNew) fieldIPNew = obj.TransportFieldToNewMesh(fieldIP) almostFieldIP = obj.TransportFieldToOldMesh(fieldIPNew) fieldP0New = obj.TransportFieldToNewMesh(fieldP0) almostfieldP0 = obj.TransportFieldToOldMesh(fieldP0New) obj.ResetCacheData() extractorLeft, extractorRight = ComputeTransferOp(field, field) # basic test if the same field, the extrators are equals np.testing.assert_equal(extractorLeft, extractorRight) return "ok"
[docs] def CheckIntegrity(GUI: bool = False): from Muscat.Helpers.CheckTools import RunListOfCheckIntegrities listToCheck = [ # CheckIntegrity_ElementWiseIpToFETransferOp, CheckIntegrity_ElementWiseFEToFETransferOp, CheckIntegrity_FieldsAtIp, CheckIntegrity_Legacy, ] return RunListOfCheckIntegrities(listToCheck)
if __name__ == "__main__": print(CheckIntegrity(GUI=True)) # pragma no cover