Source code for Muscat.FE.Integration

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is subject to the terms and conditions defined in
# file 'LICENSE.txt', which is part of this source code package.
import concurrent.futures
import time

import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix

from Muscat.Types import MuscatIndex, MuscatFloat
from Muscat.Helpers.CPU import GetNumberOfAvailableCores
from Muscat.Helpers.Decorators import froze_it
from Muscat.Helpers.Logger import Debug, Error

import Muscat.Containers.ElementsDescription as ED
from Muscat.Containers.Filters.FilterObjects import ElementFilter
from Muscat.Containers.Filters.FilterOperators import FrozenFilter
from Muscat.Containers.Filters.FilterTools import GetListOfPartialElementFilter, GetFrozenFilter

from Muscat.FE.Spaces.FESpaces import LagrangeSpaceGeo
from Muscat.FE.Fields.FEField import FEField
from Muscat.FE.Fields.IPField import IPField
from Muscat.FE.DofNumbering import ComputeDofNumbering
from Muscat.FE.FETools import PrepareFEComputation

from Muscat.FE.SymWeakForm import GetField, GetTestField, GetNormal
import Muscat.FE.WeakForms.NumericalWeakForm as WeakForm
from Muscat.FE.IntegrationRules import LagrangeIsoParamQuadrature, IntegrationRulesFactory, GetIntegrationRuleByName

UseCpp = True
UseMultiThread = True
MultiThreadThreshold = 1000

[docs] def IntegrateGeneralMonoThread(mesh, wform, constants, fields, unknownFields=None, testFields=None, integrationRuleName=None, onlyEvaluation=False, elementFilter=None, userIntegrator=None, integrationRule=None): """Integration of a weak formulation using only one thread For more information about the argument please refer to IntegrationClass Returns ------- K : coo_matrix the assembled matrix rhs : ndarray Array with the values of the right hand side term """ intClass = IntegrationClass() intClass.SetIntegrator(userIntegrator) intClass.SetMesh(mesh) intClass.SetOnlyEvaluation(onlyEvaluation) intClass.SetElementFilter(elementFilter) intClass.SetConstants(constants) intClass.SetUnknownFields(unknownFields) intClass.SetTestFields(testFields) intClass.SetExtraFields(fields) intClass.SetIntegrationRule(integrationRuleName=integrationRuleName, integrationRule=integrationRule) intClass.SetWeakForm(wform) intClass.PreStartCheck() intClass.Allocate() intClass.Compute(forceMonoThread=True) return intClass.GetK(), intClass.GetRhs()
[docs] def IntegrateGeneral(mesh, wform, constants, fields, unknownFields=None, testFields=None, integrationRuleName=None, onlyEvaluation=False, elementFilter=None, userIntegrator=None, integrationRule=None): """Integration of a weak formulation For more information about the argument please refer to IntegrationClass Returns ------- K : coo_matrix the assembled matrix rhs : ndarray Array with the values of the right hand side term """ intClass = IntegrationClass() intClass.SetIntegrator(userIntegrator) intClass.SetMesh(mesh) intClass.SetOnlyEvaluation(onlyEvaluation) intClass.SetElementFilter(elementFilter) intClass.SetConstants(constants) intClass.SetUnknownFields(unknownFields) intClass.SetTestFields(testFields) intClass.SetExtraFields(fields) intClass.SetIntegrationRule(integrationRuleName=integrationRuleName, integrationRule=integrationRule) intClass.SetWeakForm(wform) intClass.PreStartCheck() intClass.Allocate() intClass.Compute() return intClass.GetK(), intClass.GetRhs()
[docs] @froze_it class IntegrationClass(): """ Class to define and execute an integration of a weak form """ def __init__(self, other=None): super().__init__() if other is None: # inputs self.mesh = None self.elementFilter = None self.weakForm = None self.numericalWeakForm = None self.integrator = None self.integrationRule = None self.extraFields = [] self.posFields = [] self.unknownFields = None self.testFields = None self.nbCPUs = GetNumberOfAvailableCores() self.onlyEvaluation = False self.constants = {} # ---- self.vK = None self.iK = None self.jK = None self.numberOfUsedvij = 0 self.rhs = None # ---- self.SetIntegrator() else: """this is a internal use to prepare a class instance for multithread integration """ import Muscat.FE.Integrators.NativeIntegration as NI self.integrator = NI.PyMonoElementsIntegralCpp() self.nbCPUs = 1 self.mesh = other.mesh self.elementFilter = other.elementFilter self.onlyEvaluation = other.onlyEvaluation self.integrator.SetOnlyEvaluation(other.onlyEvaluation) self.constants = other.constants self.integrator.SetConstants(other.constants) self.SetUnknownFields(other.unknownFields) self.SetTestFields(other.testFields) self.extraFields = other.extraFields self.integrator.SetExtraFields(other.extraFields + other.posFields) self.integrationRule = other.integrationRule self.integrator.SetIntegrationRule(other.integrationRule) self.numericalWeakForm = other.numericalWeakForm self.posFields = other.posFields # ---- self.vK = None self.iK = None self.jK = None self.numberOfUsedvij = 0 self.rhs = None # ----
[docs] def Reset(self): self.integrator.Reset()
[docs] def SetConstants(self, constants): """Set the contacts to be used in the weak form Parameters ---------- constant : dict dictionary with the constants key : string , value: float """ self.constants = constants self.integrator.SetConstants(constants)
[docs] def SetOnlyEvaluation(self, onlyEvaluation): """Set the onlyEvaluation option. If true the contribution of the determinant of the transformation and the weight of the integration points is ignored. the user is responsible of dividing by the mass matrix (if necessary) to get the correct values. Parameters ---------- onlyEvaluation : bool True to activate this option """ self.onlyEvaluation = onlyEvaluation self.integrator.SetOnlyEvaluation(onlyEvaluation)
[docs] def SetUnknownFields(self, unknownFields): """Set the fields used for the unknown space Parameters ---------- unknownFields : list(FEField) list of fields """ if unknownFields is None: unknownFields = [] self.unknownFields = unknownFields self.integrator.SetUnknownFields(unknownFields)
[docs] def SetTestFields(self, testFields): """Set the fields used for the test space Parameters ---------- tfs : list(FEField) list of fields if tfs is none then the unknown fields are used (Galerkin projection) """ self.testFields = testFields self.integrator.SetTestFields(testFields)
[docs] def SetExtraFields(self, fields): """Set the extra fields used in the weak formulation Parameters ---------- efs : list(FEField or IPField) list of fields """ self.extraFields = fields self.integrator.SetExtraFields(fields + self.posFields)
[docs] def SetIntegrationRule(self, integrationRuleName=None, integrationRule=None): """Set the Integration rule to be used during integration Parameters ---------- integrationRuleName : str, optional name of the integrationRule integrationRule : dict, optional integration rule for every element type key->str: value: tuple(intPoints ndarray, intWeights ) """ if integrationRuleName is None: if integrationRule is None: self.integrationRule = LagrangeIsoParamQuadrature else: self.integrationRule = integrationRule else: if integrationRule is None: self.integrationRule = GetIntegrationRuleByName(integrationRuleName) else: raise Exception("must give integrationRuleName or integrationRule not both") self.integrator.SetIntegrationRule(self.integrationRule)
[docs] def SetIntegrator(self, userIntegrator=None): """Set the internal integrator (only for advance users) """ if userIntegrator is None: typeCpp = True try: from Muscat.FE.WeakForms.NativeNumericalWeakForm import PyWeakForm import Muscat.FE.Integrators.NativeIntegration except ImportError as err: typeCpp = False print("Error loading c++ integration") print(str(err)) print("Warning : Using Python Integration (very slow)") raise if typeCpp and UseCpp: import Muscat.FE.Integrators.NativeIntegration as NI self.integrator = NI.PyMonoElementsIntegralCpp() else: import Muscat.FE.Integrators.PythonIntegration as PI self.integrator = PI.MonoElementsIntegral() else: self.integrator = userIntegrator
[docs] def SetMesh(self, mesh): """Set the mesh defining the integration domain Parameters ---------- mesh : Mesh mesh containing the geometry """ self.mesh = mesh fields = list() LSGNum = ComputeDofNumbering(self.mesh, Space=LagrangeSpaceGeo, fromConnectivity=True) for i in range(self.mesh.GetPointsDimensionality()): fields.append(FEField(f"Pos_{i}", mesh=self.mesh, space=LagrangeSpaceGeo, numbering=LSGNum, data=np.ascontiguousarray(self.mesh.nodes[:, i]))) self.posFields = fields
[docs] def SetElementFilter(self, elementFilter=None): """Set the element filter to select the elements of the integration """ if elementFilter is None: elementFilter = ElementFilter(dimensionality=self.mesh.GetElementsDimensionality()) if self.mesh is None: raise RuntimeError("Need to set the mesh first") self.elementFilter = GetFrozenFilter(elementFilter, mesh=self.mesh)
[docs] def SetWeakForm(self, weakForm): """Set the weak form to be integrated Parameters ---------- weakForm : NativeNumericalWeakForm or PyWeakForm Weak form to be integrated """ if weakForm is None: raise Exception("Weak form can't be None") self.weakForm = weakForm ttest = [WeakForm.PyWeakForm] try: import Muscat.FE.WeakForms.NativeNumericalWeakForm as NativeNumericalWeakForm ttest.append(NativeNumericalWeakForm.PyWeakForm) except ImportError: pass if not isinstance(self.weakForm, tuple(ttest)): from Muscat.FE.WeakForms.NumericalWeakForm import SymWeakToNumWeak self.numericalWeakForm = SymWeakToNumWeak(self.weakForm) else: self.numericalWeakForm = self.weakForm
[docs] def PreStartCheck(self): """ verification of the integration rule for the ip fields: """ for f in self.extraFields: if isinstance(f, IPField): if f.rule != self.integrationRule: print("f.rule") print(f.rule) print("integrationRule") print(self.integrationRule) raise Exception(f"Integration rule of field {f.GetName()} not compatible with the integration") from Muscat.Containers.Mesh import Mesh if not isinstance(self.mesh, Mesh): self.mesh.GetPosOfNodes() derDir = self.numericalWeakForm.GetMaxDerivativeDimensionality() if self.mesh.GetPointsDimensionality() < derDir: Error(f"Cant compute the derivative in the direction number : {derDir}, but with a mesh of dimensionality : {self.mesh.GetPointsDimensionality()}") raise RuntimeError(f"Cant compute the derivative in the direction number : {derDir}, but with a mesh of dimensionality : {self.mesh.GetPointsDimensionality()}")
[docs] def SetOutputObjects(self, vK, iK, jK, rhs): """ This is an advace feature, the user must put objects of the correct size""" self.vK = vK self.iK = iK self.jK = jK self.rhs = rhs
[docs] def Allocate(self): """ Function to allocate the memory to do the integration This function must be called right before the integration """ numberOfVIJ = self.integrator.ComputeNumberOfVIJ(self.mesh, self.elementFilter) if numberOfVIJ == 0 and (self.testFields is not None and len(self.testFields)*len(self.unknownFields)) > 0: print("Warning!!! System with zero dofs") raise Exception("Error!!! System with zero dofs") # be sure to have valid pointer so we allocate at least one element if numberOfVIJ == 0: numberOfVIJ = 1 vK = np.zeros(numberOfVIJ, dtype=MuscatFloat) iK = np.zeros(numberOfVIJ, dtype=MuscatIndex) jK = np.zeros(numberOfVIJ, dtype=MuscatIndex) rhs = np.zeros(self.integrator.GetTotalTestDofs(), dtype=MuscatFloat) self.SetOutputObjects(vK, iK, jK, rhs)
[docs] def Compute(self, forceMonoThread=False): """Execute the integration in multithread Parameters ---------- forceMonoThread : bool true to force the use of only one thread """ numberOfElementToTreat = self.elementFilter.GetElementSelectionSize() if numberOfElementToTreat == 0: print("Warning no elements selected for integration. Please Check your Element Filter") return elif not self.integrator.IsMultiThread() or forceMonoThread or self.nbCPUs == 1: Debug(f"Integration forceMonoThread={forceMonoThread}, nbCPUs={self.nbCPUs}") return self.ComputeMonoThread() elif numberOfElementToTreat < MultiThreadThreshold: return self.ComputeMonoThread() def InitSpaces(fields): for f in fields: if isinstance(f, IPField): continue LagrangeSpaceGeo.InitSpaces() if self.unknownFields is not None: InitSpaces(self.unknownFields) InitSpaces(self.extraFields) if self.testFields is not None: InitSpaces(self.testFields) allWorkload = GetListOfPartialElementFilter(self.elementFilter, self.nbCPUs, self.mesh) workload = [] cpt = 0 totalTestDofs = self.integrator.GetTotalTestDofs() for f in allWorkload: if f.GetElementSelectionSize() > 0: numberOfVIJ = self.integrator.ComputeNumberOfVIJ(self.mesh, f) workload.append((f, self.vK[cpt:numberOfVIJ+cpt], self.iK[cpt:numberOfVIJ+cpt], self.jK[cpt:numberOfVIJ+cpt], totalTestDofs)) cpt += numberOfVIJ with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=self.nbCPUs) as executor: results =, workload) for rhs in results: self.rhs += rhs self.numberOfUsedvij = cpt
def _InternalComputeMonoThreadSafe(self, elementFilter_vK_iK_jK): elementFilter, vK, iK, jK, totalTestDofs = elementFilter_vK_iK_jK res = IntegrationClass(self) res.SetElementFilter(elementFilter) res.SetOutputObjects(vK, iK, jK, np.zeros(totalTestDofs, dtype=MuscatFloat)) res.ComputeMonoThread() return res.GetRhs()
[docs] def ComputeMonoThread(self, elementFilter=None): """Execute the integration using only one tread (this function is no thread safe) """ self.integrator.PrepareFastIntegration(self.mesh, self.numericalWeakForm, self.vK, self.iK, self.jK, 0, self.rhs) if elementFilter is None: elementFilter = self.elementFilter for selection in elementFilter(self.mesh): self.integrator.ActivateElementType(selection.elements) self.integrator.Integrate(self.numericalWeakForm, np.asarray(selection.indices, dtype=MuscatIndex)) self.numberOfUsedvij = self.integrator.GetNumberOfUsedIvij()
[docs] def GetKvij(self): """Get the values to build the operator Returns ------- values : ndarray values of the operator tuple : (ndarray,ndarray) indices (i,j) """ data = (self.vK[0:self.numberOfUsedvij], (self.iK[0:self.numberOfUsedvij], self.jK[0:self.numberOfUsedvij])) return data
[docs] def GetLinearSystemSize(self): """Get the size of the Linear System Returns ------- nbrows : int Number of rows of the linear system nbcols : int Number of columns of the linear system """ return (self.integrator.GetTotalTestDofs(), self.integrator.GetTotalUnknownDofs())
[docs] def GetK(self): """ Get K as a scipy.sparse.coo_matrix Returns ------- K : coo_matrix the asembled matrix """ return coo_matrix(self.GetKvij(), shape=self.GetLinearSystemSize())
[docs] def GetRhs(self): """ Get the right hand side term Returns ------- rhs : ndarray Array with the values of the right hand side term """ return self.rhs
[docs] def CheckIntegrityNormalFlux(GUI: bool = False): from Muscat.Containers.MeshCreationTools import CreateMeshOf points = [[0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 1], [0, 1, 1]] mesh = CreateMeshOf(points, [[0, 1, 2]], ED.Triangle_3) mesh.ConvertDataForNativeTreatment() sdim = 3 space = LagrangeSpaceGeo numbering = ComputeDofNumbering(mesh, space) dofs = ["u_" + str(i) for i in range(sdim)] spaces = [space]*sdim numberings = [numbering]*sdim ut = GetTestField("u", sdim) p = GetField("p", 1) normal = GetNormal(3) wformflux = p*normal.T*ut constants = {"alpha": 1.0} pressField = FEField("p", mesh, space, numbering) pressField.Allocate(1) print(mesh) elemfilt = ElementFilter() # all elements unknownFields = [FEField(dofs[n], mesh=mesh, space=spaces[n], numbering=numberings[n]) for n in range(len(dofs))] _matrix, F = IntegrateGeneral(mesh=mesh, wform=wformflux, constants=constants, fields=[pressField], unknownFields=unknownFields, elementFilter=elemfilt) if GUI: from Muscat.Actions.OpenInParaView import OpenInParaView F.shape = (3, 3) F = F.T mesh.nodeFields["normalflux"] = F OpenInParaView(mesh) return "ok"
[docs] def CheckIntegrityKF(edim, sdim, testCase): from Muscat.Containers.MeshCreationTools import CreateMeshOfTriangles, CreateMeshOf from Muscat.FE.MaterialHelp import HookeIso if edim == 1: nu = 0.25 # if sdim == 1: E = 1 A = 1 points = np.array([[0, ], [2, ], ]) L = np.sqrt(np.sum((points[1, :] - points[0, :])**2)) K = np.array([[E], ]) KValidation = (E*A/L)*np.array([[1, -1], [-1, 1]]) permut = None elif sdim == 2: E = 1000. A = 5. points = np.array([[0, 0], [30, 40], ]) L = np.sqrt(np.sum((points[1, :] - points[0, :])**2)) K = A*E*np.array([[1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0]]) KValidation = np.array([[36, 48, -36, -48], [48, 64, -48, -64], [-36, -48, 36, 48], [-48, -64, 48, 64]]) permut = [0, 2, 1, 3] KValidation = KValidation[permut, :][:, permut] elif sdim == 3: points = np.array([[0, 0, 0], [2., 3., 6.], ]) L = np.sqrt(np.sum((points[1, :] - points[0, :])**2)) E = 343. A = 10. K = A*E*np.array([[1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], ]) permut = [0, 3, 1, 4, 2, 5] KValidation = np.array([[40, 60, 120, -40, -60, -120], [60, 90, 180, -60, -90, -180], [120, 180, 360, -120, -180, -360], [-40, -60, -120, 40, 60, 120], [-60, -90, -180, 60, 90, 180], [-120, -180, -360, 120, 180, 360]]) KValidation = KValidation[permut, :][:, permut] mesh = CreateMeshOf(points, [[0, 1], ], ED.Bar_2) elif edim == 2: if sdim == 2: if testCase[0] == "A": # points = [[3, 0], [3, 2], [0, 0], [0, 2]] # ,[3,2,1][0,1,2] mesh = CreateMeshOfTriangles(points, [[0, 1, 2], [3, 2, 1]]) E = 3.0/2 nu = 0.25 K = HookeIso(E, nu, dim=2) permut = [0, 2, 6, 4, 1, 3, 7, 5] KValidation = np.array([[0.9833333333333333333, -0.5, -.45, .2, 0, 0, -0.5333333333333333333, 0.3], [-0.5, 1.4, .3, -1.2, 0, 0, .2, -.2], [-0.45, .3, 0.9833333333333333333, 0, -0.5333333333333333333, 0.2, 0, -0.5], [.2, -1.2, 0, 1.4, .3, -.2, -0.5, 0], [0, 0, -0.5333333333333333333, .3, 0.983333333333333333, -0.5, -0.45, .2], [0, 0, 0.2, -0.2, -0.5, 1.4, .3, -1.2], [-0.5333333333333333333, 0.2, 0.0, -0.5, -0.45, 0.3, 0.9833333333333333333, 0], [0.3, -0.2, -0.5, 0, 0.2, -1.2, 0, 1.4]]) # ^^^ # attention il y a un erreur dans le pdf (ce termet est possitive dans le pdf) KValidation = KValidation[permut, :][:, permut] elif testCase[0] == "B": # # pages 15-11 points = [[0, 0], [3, 1], [2, 2]] mesh = CreateMeshOfTriangles(points, [[0, 1, 2], ]) #mesh.GetElementsOfType(ED.Triangle_3).tags.CreateTag("2D").SetIds(np.arange(mesh.GetElementsOfType(ED.Triangle_3).GetNumberOfElements() ) ) K = np.array([[8, 2, 0], [2, 8, 0], [0, 0, 3]])*8 permut = [0, 2, 4, 1, 3, 5] KValidation = np.array([[11, 5, -10, -2, -1, -3], [5, 11, 2, 10, -7, -21], [-10, 2, 44, -20, -34, 18], [-2, 10, -20, 44, 22, -54], [-1, -7, -34, 22, 35, -15], [-3, -21, 18, -54, -15, 75]]) KValidation = KValidation[permut, :][:, permut] else: raise RuntimeError elif sdim == 3: if testCase[0] == "A": points = [[0, 0, 0], [6, -8, 5], [6, 2, 3], [0, 5, 2]] mesh = CreateMeshOf(points, [[0, 1, 2, 3]], ED.Quadrangle_4) E = 3.0/2 nu = 0.25 K = HookeIso(E, nu, dim=sdim) mesh.GetElementsOfType(ED.Quadrangle_4).tags.CreateTag("2D").SetIds(np.arange(mesh.GetElementsOfType(ED.Quadrangle_4).GetNumberOfElements())) permut = [0, 3, 6, 1, 4, 7, 2, 5, 8] else: raise RuntimeError elif edim == 3: # # page 9-17 points = [[2., 3., 4], [6, 3, 2], [2, 5, 1], [4, 3, 6]] mesh = CreateMeshOf(points, [[0, 1, 2, 3]], ED.Tetrahedron_4) E = 480 nu = 1./3. K = HookeIso(E, nu, dim=sdim) #mesh.GetElementsOfType(ED.Tetrahedron_4).tags.CreateTag("3D").SetIds(np.arange(mesh.GetElementsOfType(ED.Tetrahedron_4).GetNumberOfElements() ) ) permut = [0, 3, 6, 9, 1, 4, 7, 10, 2, 5, 8, 11] KValidation = np.array([[745, 540, 120, -5, 30, 60, -270, -240, 0, -470, -330, -180], [540, 1720, 270, -120, 520, 210, -120, -1080, -60, -300, -1160, -420], [120, 270, 565, 0, 150, 175, 0, -120, -270, -120, -300, -470], [-5, -120, 0, 145, -90, -60, -90, 120, 0, -50, 90, 60], [30, 520, 150, -90, 220, 90, 60, -360, -60, 0, -380, -180], [60, 210, 175, -60, 90, 145, 0, -120, -90, 0, -180, -230], [-270, -120, 0, -90, 60, 0, 180, 0, 0, 180, 60, 0], [-240, -1080, -120, 120, -360, -120, 0, 720, 0, 120, 720, 240], [0, -60, -270, 0, -60, -90, 0, 0, 180, 0, 120, 180], [-470, -300, -120, -50, 0, 0, 180, 120, 0, 340, 180, 120], [-330, -1160, -300, 90, -380, -180, 60, 720, 120, 180, 820, 360], [-180, -420, -470, 60, -180, -230, 0, 240, 180, 120, 360, 520]]) KValidation = KValidation[permut, :][:, permut] else: raise RuntimeError # CompureVolume(mesh) mesh.ConvertDataForNativeTreatment() space = LagrangeSpaceGeo numbering = ComputeDofNumbering(mesh, space) if sdim == 1: dofs = ["u"] else: dofs = ["u_" + str(i) for i in range(sdim)] spaces = [space]*sdim numberings = [numbering]*sdim from Muscat.FE.SymWeakForm import Strain from Muscat.FE.SymWeakForm import ToVoigtEpsilon from Muscat.FE.WeakForms.NumericalWeakForm import SymWeakToNumWeak u = GetField("u", sdim) ut = GetTestField("u", sdim) weak = ToVoigtEpsilon(Strain(u, sdim)).T@K@ToVoigtEpsilon(Strain(ut, sdim)) numericakWeakForm = SymWeakToNumWeak(weak) _rwf = numericakWeakForm.GetRightPart(dofs) lwf = numericakWeakForm.GetLeftPart(dofs) constants = {} fields = [] startt = time.time() elemFilt = ElementFilter(eTag=(str(edim)+"D")) unknownFields = [FEField(dofs[n], mesh=mesh, space=spaces[n], numbering=numberings[n]) for n in range(len(dofs))] kInteg, _rhs = IntegrateGeneral(mesh=mesh, wform=lwf, constants=constants, fields=fields, unknownFields=unknownFields, elementFilter=elemFilt) stopt = time.time() - startt print(stopt) kDense = kInteg.todense() permut = [] offset = 0 for f in unknownFields: for p in range(mesh.GetNumberOfNodes()): permut.append(f.numbering.GetDofOfPoint(p)+offset) offset += f.numbering.size if permut is not None: kDense = kDense[:, permut][permut, :] error = np.sum(abs(kDense-KValidation))/(np.sum(abs(KValidation))) if error > 1e-14 or error is np.nan: print((edim, sdim, testCase)) print("K Validation") print(KValidation) print("K Calcul") print(kDense) print("ERROR : ") print(error) print(kDense-KValidation) print(numbering) return "KO" return "ok"
[docs] def CheckIntegrityComputeVolume(mesh): numbering = ComputeDofNumbering(mesh, LagrangeSpaceGeo) dofs = ["T"] spaces = [LagrangeSpaceGeo] numberings = [numbering] tField = GetField("T", 1) F = GetField("F", 1) tFieldTest = GetTestField("T", 1) weakForm = tField.T*tFieldTest + F.T*tFieldTest constants = {} fields = {} f = FEField("F", mesh, LagrangeSpaceGeo, numbering) f.Allocate(1) fields["F"] = f startt = time.time() unknownFields = [FEField(dofs[n], mesh=mesh, space=spaces[n], numbering=numberings[n]) for n in range(len(dofs))] K, F = IntegrateGeneral(mesh=mesh, wform=weakForm, constants=constants, fields=fields, unknownFields=unknownFields, elementFilter=ElementFilter()) _stopt = time.time() - startt volk = np.sum(K) print("volume (k): " + str(volk)) volf = np.sum(F) print("volume (f): " + str(volf)) if abs(volk - volf) > 1e-15: print(volk-volf) raise RuntimeError
[docs] def CheckIntegrityIntegrationWithIntegrationPointField(GUI: bool = False): from Muscat.FE.IntegrationRules import LagrangeP1Quadrature from Muscat.Containers.MeshCreationTools import CreateCube mesh = CreateCube([2., 3., 4.], [-1.0, -1.0, -1.0], [2./10, 2./10, 2./10]) mesh.ConvertDataForNativeTreatment() space, numberings, _offset, _NGauss = PrepareFEComputation(mesh, numberOfComponents=1) rhoField = IPField("rho", mesh=mesh, rule=LagrangeP1Quadrature) factor: MuscatFloat = .1 rhoField.Allocate(factor) tField = GetField("T", 1) rho = GetField("rho", 1) tFieldTest = GetTestField("T", 1) weakForm = tField.T*tFieldTest + rho.T*tFieldTest constants = {} fields = [rhoField] unknownFields = [FEField("T", mesh=mesh, space=space, numbering=numberings[0])] startt = time.time() elemFilt = ElementFilter(eTag="3D") K, F = IntegrateGeneral(mesh=mesh, wform=weakForm, constants=constants, fields=fields, unknownFields=unknownFields, integrationRuleName="LagrangeP1Quadrature", elementFilter=elemFilt) intClass = IntegrationClass() intClass.SetMesh(mesh) intClass.SetOnlyEvaluation(False) intClass.SetElementFilter(elemFilt) intClass.SetConstants(constants) intClass.SetUnknownFields(unknownFields) intClass.SetTestFields(None) intClass.SetExtraFields(fields) intClass.SetIntegrationRule(integrationRuleName="LagrangeP1Quadrature") intClass.SetWeakForm(weakForm) intClass.PreStartCheck() intClass.Allocate() intClass.Compute() matrixKII = intClass.GetK() vectorFII = intClass.GetRhs() _stopt = time.time() - startt volk = np.sum(K) print("volume (k): " + str(volk)) print("volume class (k): " + str(np.sum(matrixKII))) volf = np.sum(F) print("volume (f): " + str(volf)) print("volume class (f): " + str(np.sum(vectorFII))) if abs(volk*factor - volf) >= volf/100000000: return "KO" volkII = np.sum(intClass.GetK()) volfII = np.sum(intClass.GetRhs()) if abs(volkII*factor - volfII) >= volfII/100000000: return "KO" return "ok"
[docs] def CheckIntegrity(GUI: bool = False): import Muscat.FE.Integration as BTFEI saveOldeStateOfUseCpp = BTFEI.UseCpp BTFEI.UseCpp = False if CheckIntegrityNormalFlux(GUI).lower() != "ok": return "Not ok in the Normal Calculation" if CheckIntegrityIntegrationWithIntegrationPointField() != "ok": return "Not ok in the integration with IPField" BTFEI.UseCpp = True if CheckIntegrityNormalFlux(GUI).lower() != "ok": return "Not ok in the Normal Calculation" if CheckIntegrityIntegrationWithIntegrationPointField() != "ok": return "Not ok in the integration with IPField" print("Normal Calculation OK") print("Integration with IPField OK") problems = [(1, 1, "A bars 1D"), (1, 2, "A bars 2D"), (1, 3, "A bars 3D"), (2, 2, "A Triangles in 2D"), (2, 2, "B Triangle in 2D"), #(2,3,"A Triangle in 3D"), (3, 3, "A tet in 3D"), ] startt = time.time() for edim, sdim, testCase in problems: print("*-"*80) print("*-"*80) print((edim, sdim, testCase)) BTFEI.UseCpp = False print(" --- python integration --") if CheckIntegrityKF(edim=edim, sdim=sdim, testCase=testCase).lower() != "ok": return "not ok python " else: print(" --- python integration -- OK ") print(" --- cpp integration --", (edim, sdim, testCase)) BTFEI.UseCpp = True if CheckIntegrityKF(edim=edim, sdim=sdim, testCase=testCase).lower() != "ok": return "not ok cpp" else: print(" --- cpp integration -- OK") stopt = time.time() - startt print("Total time : ") print(stopt) print("ALL ok") CheckIntegrityConstantRectilinearIntegration() if CheckIntegrityConstantRectilinearIntegration().lower() != "ok": return "CheckIntegrityConstantRectilinearIntegration not ok" else: print(" --- CheckIntegrityConstantRectilinearIntegration -- OK") BTFEI.UseCpp = saveOldeStateOfUseCpp return "ok"
[docs] def CheckIntegrityConstantRectilinearIntegrationII(GUI: bool = False): print("Test integrator on Constant rectilinear mesh") from Muscat.Containers.MeshCreationTools import CreateConstantRectilinearMesh nNodesY = 3 nNodesY = 4 nNodesZ = 5 mesh = CreateConstantRectilinearMesh(dimensions=[nNodesY, nNodesY, nNodesZ], spacing=[1./(nNodesY-1), 1./(nNodesY-1), 1./(nNodesZ-1)], origin=[0, 0, 0]) from Muscat.FE.Spaces.FESpaces import ConstantSpaceGlobal testNumbering = ComputeDofNumbering(mesh, ConstantSpaceGlobal) from Muscat.FE.SymWeakForm import testcharacter tFieldTest = GetTestField("T", 1) weakForm = 1*tFieldTest constants = {} fields = [] testFields = [FEField("T"+testcharacter, mesh=mesh, space=ConstantSpaceGlobal, numbering=testNumbering)] startt = time.time() elemFilter = ElementFilter() print(startt) K, F = IntegrateGeneral(mesh=mesh, wform=weakForm, constants=constants, fields=fields, testFields=testFields, integrationRuleName="LagrangeP1Quadrature", elementFilter=elemFilter) print("K ", K) print("F ", F) return "ok"
[docs] def CheckIntegrityConstantRectilinearIntegration(GUI: bool = False): print("Test integrator on Constant rectilinear mesh") from Muscat.Containers.MeshCreationTools import CreateConstantRectilinearMesh nNodesY = 3 nNodesY = 4 nNodesZ = 5 myCRMesh = CreateConstantRectilinearMesh(dimensions=[nNodesY, nNodesY, nNodesZ], spacing=[1./(nNodesY-1), 1./(nNodesY-1), 1./(nNodesZ-1)], origin=[0, 0, 0]) space, numberings, _offset, _NGauss = PrepareFEComputation(myCRMesh, numberOfComponents=1) tField = GetField("T", 1) tFieldTest = GetTestField("T", 1) weakForm = tField.T*tFieldTest + 1*tFieldTest constants = {} fields = [] unknownFields = [FEField("T", mesh=myCRMesh, space=space, numbering=numberings[0])] startt = time.time() elemFilter = ElementFilter() print(startt) K, F = IntegrateGeneral(mesh=myCRMesh, wform=weakForm, constants=constants, fields=fields, unknownFields=unknownFields, integrationRuleName="LagrangeP1Quadrature", elementFilter=elemFilter) stopt = time.time() - startt volk = np.sum(K) print("volume (k): " + str(volk)) volf = np.sum(F) print("volume (f): " + str(volf)) print(stopt) if volk*1 - volf < volf/100000000: return "ok" print("volk: "+str(volk)) print("volf: "+str(volf)) return "Not Ok"
if __name__ == '__main__': from Muscat import Preload Preload() # print("Start")# pragma: no cover print(CheckIntegrity(False)) # pragma: no cover # print("Stop")# pragma: no cover print(CheckIntegrityConstantRectilinearIntegrationII())