Source code for Muscat.IO.FemReader

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is subject to the terms and conditions defined in
# file 'LICENSE.txt', which is part of this source code package.

"""Fem file reader

import numpy as np

import Muscat.Containers.Mesh as UM
import Muscat.Containers.ElementsDescription as ED

from Muscat.IO.ReaderBase import ReaderBase

[docs]def ReadFem(fileName:str="",string:str=""): """Function API for reading a Fem result file Parameters ---------- fileName : str, optional name of the file to be read, by default None string : str, optional data to be read as a string instead of a file, by default None Returns ------- Mesh output unstructured mesh object containing reading result """ obj = FemReader() if fileName is not None: obj.SetFileName(fileName) if string is not None: obj.SetStringToRead(string) return obj.Read()
keysToIgnore = [ "CORD1R", "DESGLB", "MAT1", "PSOLID", "MAT1", "LABEL", "FORMAT", "OUTPUT", "ELFORCE", "ESE(H3D)", "GPSTRESS(H3D,", "SPCFORCE(SPARSE)", "STRESS", "OUTPUT,", "", ] keysToIgnoreSubcase = [ "", ] keysToIgnoreBulk = [ "PSOLID", "DOPTPRM", "DOPTPRM,", "GAPPRM", "GAPPRM,", "DCONADD", "PBUSH", "DCONSTR", "LOAD", "SPCADD", "LOADADD", "MAT1", "OUTPUT,", ]
[docs]class ignored(): def __init__(self,ignored): pass
[docs]class NastranLineParcer(object): def __init__(self): self.fields = [] = {} self.structured = False
[docs] def Parse(self,line,file=None): #k = GetField(line,0) #if k != self.fields[0][0]: # raise(Exception("Keyword does not match : " + str(k) + " != "+str(self.fields[0][0]))) for i in range(1,len(self.fields)): f = self.GetField(line,i) name = self.fields[i][0] types = self.fields[i][1][name] = self.ParseTypes(f,types) if self.GetField(line,9) == "+" : line = file.getLine() self.ContinueParsing(line)
[docs] def GetFields(self,line,fn,ffn): return (self.GetField(line,x) for x in range(fn,ffn) )
[docs] def GetField(self,line,fn): if self.structured: if (fn+1)*8 > len(line): line += (8*(fn+1) - len(line))*" " return line[8*fn:8*(fn+1)].lstrip().rstrip() else: return line.split()[fn]
[docs] def ParseType(self,field,typ): if typ == float: return self.ParseFloat(field) else: return typ(field)
[docs] def ParseTypes(self,fields,ts): res = [] for i,t in enumerate(ts): f = self.GetField(fields,i) res.append(self.ParseType(f, t)) return res
[docs] def ParseFloat(self,line): line += (8-len(line))*' ' if line[6] == "-" and line[5] != " ": line = line[0:6] + "e" + line[6:8] elif line[5] == "-" and line[4] != " ": line = line[0:5] + "e" + line[5:8] elif line[4] == "-" and line[3] != " ": line = line[0:4] + "e" + line[4:8] elif line[3] == "-" and line[2] != " ": line = line[0:3] + "e" + line[3:8] elif line[2] == "-" and line[1] != " ": line = line[0:2] + "e" + line[2:8] try: res = float(line) except:# pragma: no cover print("string is ->",line) raise return res
[docs]class FORCE(NastranLineParcer): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.structured = True self.fields = [("KeyWord",str), ("SIG",int),("G",int),("CID",(None,int)),("F",float),("N1",float),("N2",float),("N3",float)]
[docs]class LOAD(NastranLineParcer): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.structured = True self.fields = [("KeyWord",str), ("S",float),("S1",float),("L1",float)]
[docs]class IgnoredOneLine(NastranLineParcer): pass
[docs]class IgnoredOneMultiline(NastranLineParcer): pass
[docs]class FemReader(ReaderBase): """Fem Reader class """ def __init__(self,fileName:str=""): super().__init__() self.commentHeader = "$" self.SetFileName(fileName) self.ignoreNotTreated = True
[docs] def GetField(self,line,number): return line[8*number:8*(number+1)]
[docs] def ReadCleanLine(self): res = super().ReadCleanLine() import re ## add space after each comma return re.sub(r'([,/\\]+)(?![ ])', r'\1 ', res)
[docs] def Read(self): """Function that performs the reading of a Fem file Returns ------- Mesh output unstructured mesh object containing reading result """ self.StartReading() NLP = NastranLineParcer() res = UM.Mesh() resdic = {} resdic["CordinateSystems"] = {} resdic["Objective"] = None resdic["Optim Functions"] = {} resdic["Cases"] = {} ids = [] xs =[] ys = [] zs = [] filetointernalid = {} filetointernalidElement = {} cpt =0 elements = res.GetElementsOfType(ED.Tetrahedron_4) elements.Reserve(1000000) need_to_read = True while(True): if need_to_read : line = self.ReadCleanLine() need_to_read = True if line is None: break l = line.split() key = l[0] #print(key) if key in keysToIgnore and self.ignoreNotTreated : while(True): line = self.ReadCleanLine() if line[0] != "+": break need_to_read = False continue if key == 'SUBCASE' : # #subcase = int(self.GetField(line,1)) subcase = int(l[1]) data = {} while(True): line = self.ReadCleanLine() key = line.split()[0] if key in keysToIgnoreSubcase and self.ignoreNotTreated : while(True): line = self.ReadCleanLine() if line[0] != "+": break need_to_read = False continue #print("tt" +line) if line.find("LABEL") > -1: # data['label'] = line.split("LABEL")[1].strip() continue if key == 'ANALYSIS': # #print(line) data['analisys'] = line.split()[1].strip() continue if key == 'SPC' : # data['SPC'] = int(line.split("=")[1].strip()) continue if key == 'LOAD': # External Static Load Set Selection # data['LOAD'] = int(line.split("=")[1].strip()) continue if key == 'MPCFORCE' : print("MPCFORCE intensionally ignored") continue # OUTPOUT # Requests multipoint constraint force vector output # if key == 'STRAIN' : print("STRAIN intensionally ignored") continue # OUTPOUT # Element Strain Output Request # if key == 'DESSUB' : # Subcase Level Design Constraints Selection # data['DESSUB'] = int(line.split("=")[1].strip()) continue break resdic['Cases'][subcase] = data need_to_read = False continue if line[0:6] == 'DESOBJ' : vec = line.split("=") resdic["Objective"] = {"id":int(vec[1]),"type":vec[0].split("(")[1].split(")")[0]} continue if key == "SET": need_to_read = False l = line.split() key = l[0] setNumber = l[1] data = [] if l[2] != "=": raise Exception("Error in the file format") line = " ".join(l[3:]) while(True): if need_to_read : line = self.ReadCleanLine().strip() need_to_read = True if line is None: break units = [x.strip() for x in line.split(",")] for u in units: if len(u) == 0: continue if "THRU" in u: partition = u.split() begin = int(partition[0]) end = int(partition[-1]) data.extend(range(begin,end+1) ) else: idd = int(u) data.append(idd) need_to_read = True if line[-1] != ",": break continue if line == "BEGIN BULK" : need_to_read = True while(True): if need_to_read : line = self.ReadCleanLine() need_to_read = True if line is None: break l = line.split() key = l[0] if key in keysToIgnoreBulk and self.ignoreNotTreated : while(True): line = self.ReadCleanLine() if line[0] != "+": break need_to_read = False continue if key == 'DOPTPRM' : resdic["DOPTPRM"] = {self.GetField(line,1):NLP.ParseFloat(self.GetField(line,2))} continue if key == 'DTPL' : print("DTPL intensionally ignored") while(True): line = self.ReadCleanLine() if line[0] != " ": break need_to_read = True continue if key == "PBUSH": #PBUSH is in the keysToIgnoreBulk list # NLP.structured = True PID,K = NLP.GetFields(line,1,3) if K != "K" : print("--",K,"--") raise Exception("Error in the file format") (K1,K2,K3) = NLP.GetFields(line,3,6) print( (K1,K2,K3) ) need_to_read = True continue if key == "CBUSH": # NLP.structured = True EID,PID,GA,GB = NLP.GetFields(line,1,5) GA = int(GA) GB = int(GB) #for the moment the CBUSH are converted to ntags #elements = res.GetElementsOfType(ED.Bar_2) #conn = [filetointernalid[xx] for xx in [GA, GB] ] #localid = elements.AddNewElement(conn,EID) #filetointernalidElement[EID] = (elements,localid-1) need_to_read = True tagGA = res.GetNodalTag("CBUSH_"+PID+"_GA") tagGB = res.GetNodalTag("CBUSH_"+PID+"_GB") tagGA.AddToTag(filetointernalid[GA]) tagGB.AddToTag(filetointernalid[GB]) continue if key == 'DRESP1' : # idd = int(self.GetField(line,1)) userlabel = self.GetField(line,2).strip() RTYPE = self.GetField(line,3).strip() REGION = self.GetField(line,5).strip() ATTA = self.GetField(line,6).strip() ATTB = self.GetField(line,7).strip() ATTC = self.GetField(line,8).strip() bulkdata = [] line = self.ReadCleanLine() while line[0] == "+": try: #print("--" + line) for x in [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]: bulkdata.append(int(self.GetField(line,x))) line = self.ReadCleanLine() except Exception as inst: #print(inst) line = self.ReadCleanLine() break need_to_read = False #print(bulkdata) continue if line[0:5] == 'PARAM' and self.ignoreNotTreated : continue if key == 'CORD2R' : # from # idd = int(self.GetField(line,1)) floats = [NLP.ParseFloat(self.GetField(line,x)) for x in [3,4,5,6,7,8]] line = self.ReadCleanLine() floats.extend([NLP.ParseFloat(self.GetField(line,x)) for x in [1,2,3]] ) from Muscat.LinAlg.Transform import Transform orient = Transform() orient.system = "CORD2R" A = np.array(floats[0:3]) B = np.array(floats[3:6]) C = np.array(floats[6:9]) z = (B-A)/np.linalg.norm(B-A) x = (C-A)- z*,C-A) y = np.cross(z,x) orient.SetOffset(A) orient.SetFirst(x) orient.SetSecond(y) resdic["CordinateSystems"][idd] = orient continue if key == 'CORD1R' and self.ignoreNotTreated : continue if key == 'RBE2' : # NLP.structured = True EID, GN,CM = NLP.GetFields(line,1,4) EID = int(EID) GN = int(GN) elements = res.GetElementsOfType(ED.Bar_2) tag = elements.tags.CreateTag("RBE2_"+str(EID),False) oidd = filetointernalid[GN] start = 4 while(True): line = self.ReadCleanLine() if line[0] != "+": break for i in range(start,9): data = line[8*i:8*(i+1)].strip() if len(data) ==0: break GMi = int(data) localid = elements.AddNewElement([oidd, filetointernalid[GMi] ],-1) tag.AddToTag(localid-1) start =1 need_to_read = False continue if key == 'RBE3' : # from EID, _, REFGRID,REFC,WTi,C1,G11,G12 = NLP.GetFields(line,1,9) EID =int(EID) REFGRID = int(REFGRID) REFC = int(REFC) ##Reading weights WTi = float(WTi) C1 = int(C1) G11 = int(G11) G12 = int(G12) oidd = filetointernalid[REFGRID] elements = res.GetElementsOfType(ED.Bar_2) tag = elements.tags.CreateTag("RBE3_"+str(EID)+"_"+str(REFC)) #localid = elements.AddNewElement([oidd, filetointernalid[P1] ],-1) #tag.AddToTag(localid-1) P2 = int(line[8*7:8*8]) localid = elements.AddNewElement([oidd, filetointernalid[P2]],-1) tag.AddToTag(localid-1) P3 = int(line[8*8:8*9]) localid = elements.AddNewElement([oidd, filetointernalid[P3]],-1) tag.AddToTag(localid-1) while(True): line = self.ReadCleanLine() if line[0] != "+": break for i in range(1,9): data = line[8*i:8*(i+1)].strip() if len(data) == 0: break P1 = int(data) localid = elements.AddNewElement([oidd ,filetointernalid[P1]],-1) tag.AddToTag(localid-1) need_to_read = False continue if key == '+' : print(line ) print("+ intensionally ignored") continue if l[0] == 'SPC' : ## NLP.structured = True SID = int(line[8:8*2]) tag = res.GetNodalTag("SPC"+str(SID)) G1 = int(line[8*2:8*3]) C1 = int(line[8*3:8*4]) D1 = float(line[8*4:8*5]) tag.AddToTag(filetointernalid[G1]) if len(NLP.GetField(line,5)) : G2 = int(line[8*5:8*6]) C2 = int(line[8*6:8*7]) D2 = float(line[8*7:8*8]) tag.AddToTag(filetointernalid[G2 ]) continue if key == 'PLOAD4' : name = "PLOAD4_"+str(int(line[8:8*2]) ) tag = res.GetNodalTag(name) idd = int(line[8*2:8*3]) node = filetointernalid[idd ] ElementsAndNumber = filetointernalidElement[idd] ElementsAndNumber[0].AddElementToTag(ElementsAndNumber[1],name) continue if key == 'FORCE' : NLP.structured = True key,name,oid,_,factor,fx,fy,fz = NLP.ParseTypes(line,[str,str,int,ignored,float,float,float,float]) name = "FORCE_"+name node = filetointernalid[oid ] tag = res.GetNodalTag(name).AddToTag(node) val = [fx,fy,fz] resdic[name] = {'N':node, "factor":factor, "val":val } continue if key == 'GRID' : NLP.structured = True key,oid,_,x,y,z = NLP.ParseTypes(line,[str,int,str,float,float,float]) ids.append(oid) csystem= self.GetField(line,2) if csystem != " "*8: x,y,z = resdic["CordinateSystems"][int(csystem)].GetPointInOriginalSystem([x,y,z]) xs.append(x) ys.append(y) zs.append(z) filetointernalid[oid] = cpt cpt +=1 continue if key == 'CTRIA3': oid = int(line[8:8*2]) idd2 = str(int(line[8*2:8*3])) P1 = int(line[8*3:8*4]) P2 = int(line[8*4:8*5]) P3 = int(line[8*5:8*6]) conn = [filetointernalid[xx] for xx in [P1, P2,P3 ] ] elements = res.GetElementsOfType(ED.Triangle_3) localid = elements.AddNewElement(conn,oid) filetointernalidElement[oid] = (elements,localid-1) elements.tags.CreateTag("ET"+idd2,False).AddToTag(localid-1) #res.AddElementToTagUsingOriginalId(oid,) continue if key == 'CTETRA': oid = int(line[8:8*2]) idd2 = str(int(line[8*2:8*3])) points = [] for i in range(3,9): try: points.append(int(line[8*i:8*(i+1)])) except: pass if len(points) > 4: line = self.ReadCleanLine() for i in range(1,5): points.append(int(line[8*i:8*(i+1)])) conn = [filetointernalid[xx] for xx in points ] if len(conn) == 4: elements = res.GetElementsOfType(ED.Tetrahedron_4) elif len(conn) == 10: elements = res.GetElementsOfType(ED.Tetrahedron_10) localid = elements.AddNewElement(conn,oid) filetointernalidElement[oid] = (elements,localid-1) elements.tags.CreateTag("ET"+idd2,False).AddToTag(localid-1) #res.AddElementToTagUsingOriginalId(oid,) continue if key == 'ED.DATA' : break if line is None: break print("key " + str(key) )# pragma: no cover raise(ValueError("string '" + str(line) + "' not treated"))# pragma: no cover if key == 'ED.DATA' : break print("key " + str(key) ) # pragma: no cover raise(ValueError("string '" + str(line) + "' not treated"))# pragma: no cover res.SetNodes(np.array([xs,ys,zs],dtype=float).T, ids ) self.EndReading() res.PrepareForOutput() = resdic return res
from Muscat.IO.IOFactory import RegisterReaderClass RegisterReaderClass(".fem",FemReader)
[docs]def CheckIntegrity(GUI:bool = False): from Muscat.Helpers.IO.TemporaryDirectory import TemporaryDirectory from Muscat.Helpers.IO.FileTools import WriteTempFile testData=u""" DESOBJ(MIN) = 1 BEGIN BULK DRESP1 1 wcomp WCOMP DRESP1 2 volfrac VOLFRAC DTPL 1 PSOLID 72 MEMBSIZ .001 DCONSTR 1 2 .1 DCONADD 2 1 DOPTPRM,OPTMETH,DUAL DOPTPRM,OBJTOL,0.005 GAPPRM,GAPCMPL, NO PARAM,CHECKEL, NO PARAM,RENUMOK, YES PARAM,PRINFACC, 1 PARAM,CONTFEL, YES $$---------------------- $$ System Data $$---------------------- $HMNAME SYSTCOL 80 "For_Support 1" $HWCOLOR SYSTCOL 80 9 $ CORD2R 1 0-.08441 -.0764260. -.08441 -.076426-1. + + .9155901-.0764260. GRID 162969 53.00389234.456633.29904 GRID 156839 50.53256233.782536.31633 GRID 156554 50.67131231.871634.13537 GRID 146810 54.21149233.586335.82001 CTETRA 581279 2 162969 156839 156554 146810 CTRIA3 581280 3 162969 156839 156554 SPC 1 162969 1234560.0 FORCE 2 156839 01.0 2949.8 -5792.120.0 RBE2 1649872 162969 123456 156839 156554 CBUSH 581279 74 162969 156839 1 PBUSH 74 K RIGID RIGID RIGID $$0000001111111122222222333333334444444455555555666666667777777788888888 RBE3 1649879 146810 1234561.0 123 162969 156554 + 156839 ED.DATA + """ filename = "CheckIntegrity_FemReader.fem" WriteTempFile(filename,testData) res = ReadFem(TemporaryDirectory.GetTempPath() + filename) res = ReadFem(string=testData) FR = FemReader() FR.SetStringToRead(testData) res = FR.Read() print(res.nodes) print(res) from Muscat.IO.XdmfWriter import WriteMeshToXdmf WriteMeshToXdmf(TemporaryDirectory().GetTempPath()+"FemReaderTest.xdmf",res) print(TemporaryDirectory().GetTempPath()) if GUI:# pragma: no cover import os os.system('vglrun paraview ' + TemporaryDirectory().GetTempPath()+"FemReaderTest.xdmf") nlp=NastranLineParcer() assert nlp.ParseFloat("1") == 1 assert nlp.ParseFloat("1.-3") == 1e-3 assert nlp.ParseFloat("1.2-4") == 1.2e-4 assert nlp.ParseFloat("1.23-5") == 1.23e-5 assert nlp.ParseFloat("1.234-6") == 1.234e-6 assert nlp.ParseFloat("1.2345-7") == 1.2345e-7 return 'ok'
if __name__ == '__main__': print(CheckIntegrity(GUI = True))# pragma: no cover