Source code for Muscat.IO.FemmReader

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is subject to the terms and conditions defined in
# file 'LICENSE.txt', which is part of this source code package.

"""Fem file reader

from Muscat.IO.IOFactory import RegisterReaderClass
import numpy as np
import re

from Muscat.Types import MuscatFloat, MuscatIndex

from Muscat.Containers.Mesh import Mesh
import Muscat.Containers.ElementsDescription as ED

from Muscat.IO.ReaderBase import ReaderBase

[docs]def ReadFemm(fileName=None, string=None): """Function for reading a Femm (ans) result file Parameters ---------- fileName : str, optional name of the file to be read, by default None string : str, optional data to be read as a string instead of a file, by default None Returns ------- Mesh output unstructured mesh object containing reading result """ obj = FemmReader() if fileName is not None: obj.SetFileName(fileName) if string is not None: obj.SetStringToRead(string) return obj.Read()
keysToIgnore = [ "[Format]", "[Comment]", "[Frequency]", "[Precision]", "[MinAngle]", "[DoSmartMesh]", "[Depth]", "[ProblemType]", "[Coordinates]", "[ACSolver]", "[PrevType]", "[PrevSoln]", "[Comment]", "[PointProps]", "[NumPoints]", "[NumSegments]", "[NumArcSegments]", "[NumHoles]", "[NumBlockLabels", ]
[docs]class FemmReader(ReaderBase): """FemmReader Reader class""" def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.readFormat = "r" self.rescaleToMeters = True
[docs] def Read(self, fileName=None, string=None, blockAsFields=False): if fileName is not None: self.SetFileName(fileName) if string is not None: self.SetStringToRead(string) self.StartReading() nbIP = 0 res = Mesh() def ReadBlock(): data = {} l = self.ReadCleanLine().strip() if not l.startswith("<Begin"): # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError(f"Line ({l}) is not the start of a block") while True: l = self.ReadCleanLine().strip() if l.startswith("<End"): break key, value = re.findall(r'(?:[^\s="]|"(?:\\.|[^"])*")+', l) # key, value = l.split("=") key = key.strip(" <>") value = value.strip(' "') data[key] = value return data factorsFromUnit = {"millimeters": 0.001, "centimeters": 0.01, "meters": 1, "inches": 2.54 * 0.01} factor = 1.0 while True: l = self.ReadCleanLine() if l == None: break if l[0] != "[": continue if any([l.startswith(x) for x in keysToIgnore]): continue if l.startswith("[LengthUnits]"): factor = factorsFromUnit[(l.split("=")[1].strip())] continue if l.startswith("[BlockProps]"): self.BlockProps = [] nbBlocs = int(l.split("=")[1].strip()) for bn in range(nbBlocs): self.BlockProps.append(ReadBlock()) continue if l.startswith("[BdryProps]"): self.BdryProps = [] nbBlocs = int(l.split("=")[1].strip()) for bn in range(nbBlocs): self.BdryProps.append(ReadBlock()) continue if l.startswith("[CircuitProps]"): self.CircuitProps = [] nbBlocs = int(l.split("=")[1].strip()) for bn in range(nbBlocs): self.CircuitProps.append(ReadBlock()) continue if l.startswith("[Solution]"): s = self.ReadCleanLine().split() nbNodes = int(s[0]) res.nodes = np.empty((nbNodes, 3), dtype=MuscatFloat) res.originalIDNodes = np.empty((nbNodes,), dtype=MuscatIndex) for x in range(nbNodes): s = self.ReadCleanLine().split() res.originalIDNodes[x] = x res.nodes[x, :] = list(map(float, s[0:3])) res.nodeFields["A"] = np.copy(res.nodes[:, 2]) res.nodes[:, 2] = 0 s = self.ReadCleanLine().split() nbElements = int(s[0]) tris = res.GetElementsOfType(ED.Triangle_3) bars = res.GetElementsOfType(ED.Bar_2) tris.Allocate(nbElements) conn = tris.connectivity tris.originalIds = np.arange(nbElements) tri_faces = ED.faces1[ED.Triangle_3] tags = np.empty(nbElements, dtype=MuscatIndex) for x in range(nbElements): l = self.ReadCleanLine() s = l.split() conn[x, :] = list(map(int, s[0:3])) tags[x] = int(s[3]) for b, val in enumerate(map(int, s[4:7])): if val == -1: continue n = bars.AddNewElement(conn[x, :][tri_faces[b][1]], 0) - 1 bars.tags.CreateTag("Bdry" + str(val), False).AddToTag(n) uniqueTags = np.unique(tags) if blockAsFields: block = np.zeros(tris.cpt + bars.cpt, dtype=MuscatIndex) triOffset = res.ComputeGlobalOffset()[ED.Triangle_3] block[triOffset : triOffset + tris.cpt] = tags res.elemFields["Blocks"] = block else: for tn in uniqueTags: tris.tags.CreateTag("Block" + str(tn)).SetIds(np.where(tags == tn)[0]) continue raise RuntimeError(f" don't know how to treat this line: {l}") # pragma: no cover self.EndReading() if factor != 1.0 and self.rescaleToMeters: print("Changing units of the file to meters") res.nodes *= factor res.PrepareForOutput() return res
RegisterReaderClass( ".ans", FemmReader, )
[docs]def CheckIntegrity(): data = """[Format] = 4.0 [Frequency] = 0 [Precision] = 1e-008 [MinAngle] = 20 [DoSmartMesh] = 0 [Depth] = 100 [LengthUnits] = millimeters [ProblemType] = planar [Coordinates] = cartesian [ACSolver] = 0 [PrevType] = 0 [PrevSoln] = "" [Comment] = "" [PointProps] = 0 [BdryProps] = 1 <BeginBdry> <BdryName> = "A=0" <BdryType> = 0 <A_0> = 0 <A_1> = 0 <A_2> = 0 <Phi> = 0 <c0> = 0 <c0i> = 0 <c1> = 0 <c1i> = 0 <Mu_ssd> = 0 <Sigma_ssd> = 0 <innerangle> = 0 <outerangle> = 0 <EndBdry> [BlockProps] = 1 <BeginBlock> <BlockName> = "Silicon Core Iron" <Mu_x> = 7000 <Mu_y> = 7000 <H_c> = 0 <H_cAngle> = 0 <J_re> = 0 <J_im> = 0 <Sigma> = 0 <d_lam> = 0 <Phi_h> = 0 <Phi_hx> = 0 <Phi_hy> = 0 <LamType> = 0 <LamFill> = 1 <NStrands> = 0 <WireD> = 0 <BHPoints> = 0 <EndBlock> [CircuitProps] = 1 <BeginCircuit> <CircuitName> = "A" <TotalAmps_re> = 1 <TotalAmps_im> = 0 <CircuitType> = 1 <EndCircuit> [NumPoints] = 3 64.999999999999986 0 0 2 12.5 0 0 1 42.250000000000007 1.9000000000000004 0 0 [Solution] 4 0 151.6746 0 -1 2.6470867654124621 151.65149922376801 0 -1 -2.6470867654124017 151.65149922376759 0 -1 1.2931770755502037 148.18341546539696 0 -1 2 3 1 0 0 -1 5 -1 0 0 2 3 0 5 -1 -1 0 """ obj = FemmReader() obj.Read(string=data, blockAsFields=True) res = ReadFemm(string=data) print(res) from Muscat.Helpers.IO.FileTools import WriteTempFile newFileName = WriteTempFile(filename="AnsFileTest.ans", content=data) obj.Read(fileName=newFileName) mesh = ReadFemm(fileName=newFileName) assert mesh.GetNumberOfElements() == 4 assert mesh.GetNumberOfNodes() == 4 return "ok"
if __name__ == "__main__": print(CheckIntegrity()) # pragma: no cover