Source code for Muscat.IO.GmshWriter

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"""Gmsh  File Writer (gmesh mesh files)
from Muscat.IO.IOFactory import RegisterWriterClass
from itertools import combinations

import numpy as np

import Muscat.Containers.ElementsDescription as ED
from Muscat.IO.WriterBase import WriterBase as WriterBase
from Muscat.Types import MuscatFloat, MuscatIndex
from Muscat.IO.GmshTools import gmshName, PermutationGmshToMuscat
from Muscat.Containers.Tags import Tag as Tag
from Muscat.Containers.Mesh import Mesh

PermutationMuscatToGmsh = {key: np.argsort(value) for key, value in PermutationGmshToMuscat.items()}

[docs]class OverlappingTagException(Exception): pass
[docs]def WriteMeshToGmsh(filename, mesh, useOriginalId=False, tagMapping=None): """Function API for writing data into a gmsh file Parameters ---------- fileName : str name of the file to be written mesh : Mesh the mesh to be written useOriginalId : bool, optional If True, Original Id for the number of nodes and elements are used (the user is responsible of the consistency of this data), by default False tagMapping : dict, optional tags of geometric objects defined in the mesh, by default None """ OW = GmshWriter() if tagMapping is not None: OW.tagMapping = tagMapping OW.Open(filename) OW.Write(mesh, useOriginalId=useOriginalId) OW.Close()
[docs]class GmshWriter(WriterBase): """Class to writes a gmsh file on disk""" def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.SetBinary(False) self.canHandleBinaryChange = False self.tagMapping = dict() self.userRequiredTags = [] def __str__(self): res = "GmshWriter : \n" res += " FileName : " + str(self.fileName) + "\n" return res
[docs] def SetFileName(self, fileName): """Sets the fileName parameter of the class Parameters ---------- string : str fileName to set """ self.fileName = fileName
[docs] def Write(self, meshObject: Mesh, useOriginalId=False, PointFieldsNames=None, PointFields=None, CellFieldsNames=None, CellFields=None): """Function to writes a gmsh file on disk Parameters ---------- meshObject : Mesh support of the data to be written useOriginalId : bool, optional If True original ids of vertices and elements, by default False PointFieldsNames : _type_, optional Not Used, by default None PointFields : _type_, optional Not Used, by default None CellFieldsNames : _type_, optional Not Used, by default None CellFields : _type_, optional Not Used, by default None Raises ------ OverlappingTagException when at least 2 tags are overlapping """ self.filePointer.write("$MeshFormat\n") self.filePointer.write("2.2 0 8\n") self.filePointer.write("$EndMeshFormat\n") self.filePointer.write("$Nodes\n") numberofpoints = meshObject.GetNumberOfNodes() self.filePointer.write(f"{numberofpoints}\n") posn = meshObject.GetPosOfNodes() if useOriginalId: for n in range(numberofpoints): self.filePointer.write("{} ".format(int(meshObject.originalIDNodes[n]))) posn[np.newaxis, n, :].tofile(self.filePointer, sep=" ") self.filePointer.write("\n") else: for n in range(numberofpoints): self.filePointer.write(f"{n+1} ") posn[np.newaxis, n, :].tofile(self.filePointer, sep=" ") self.filePointer.write("\n") self.filePointer.write("$EndNodes\n") self.filePointer.write("$Elements\n") self.filePointer.write(f"{meshObject.GetNumberOfElements()}\n") cpt = 1 celltags = meshObject.GetNamesOfElementTags() elements = meshObject.elements if self.tagMapping: self.userRequiredTags = self.tagMapping.keys() minTagVal = max(self.tagMapping.values()) + 1 notMappedTagNames = sorted(list(set(celltags) - set(self.tagMapping.keys()))) notMappedTagsValue = np.arange(minTagVal, minTagVal + len(notMappedTagNames), dtype=int) notMappedTagsMapping = dict(zip(notMappedTagNames, notMappedTagsValue)) self.tagMapping = {**notMappedTagsMapping, **self.tagMapping} # tagcounter = 2 # for tagname in celtags: for elementContainer in elements.keys(): elemtype = gmshName[elementContainer] # try: data = meshObject.elements[elementContainer] phyGeoTags = np.ones(data.GetNumberOfElements(), MuscatIndex) elemIdsInTags = {tagName: data.tags[tagName].GetIds() for tagName in self.userRequiredTags if tagName in data.tags} if elemIdsInTags.keys(): tagPairs = list(combinations(elemIdsInTags.keys(), 2)) for tag1, tag2 in tagPairs: idsTag1, idsTag2 = elemIdsInTags[tag1], elemIdsInTags[tag2] commonIds = np.intersect1d(idsTag1, idsTag2) if commonIds.size > 0: print("Common element ids for pair " + str(tag1) + "," + str(tag2) + " are: ", str(commonIds)) raise OverlappingTagException("At least 2 tags are overlapping, cannot be handled properly naturally in .msh 2.2 format") for tagName in self.tagMapping.keys(): if tagName in data.tags: elemIds = data.tags[tagName].GetIds() phyGeoTags[elemIds] = self.tagMapping[tagName] if useOriginalId: for i in range(data.GetNumberOfElements()): self.filePointer.write(f"{data.originalIds[i]} {elemtype} 2 {phyGeoTags[i]} {phyGeoTags[i]} ") self.filePointer.write(" ".join([str(meshObject.originalIDNodes[x]) for x in data.connectivity[i, :].ravel()])) cpt += 1 self.filePointer.write("\n") else: # for connectivity in meshObject.elements[elementContainer].connectivity[meshObject.elements[elementContainer].tags[tagname].id-1]: if elementContainer in PermutationMuscatToGmsh:# pragma: no cover connectivity = data.connectivity[:, PermutationMuscatToGmsh[elementContainer]] else: connectivity = data.connectivity for i in range(data.GetNumberOfElements()): lconnectivity = connectivity[i, :] self.filePointer.write(f"{cpt} {elemtype} 2 {phyGeoTags[i]} {phyGeoTags[i]} ") self.filePointer.write(" ".join([str(x + 1) for x in lconnectivity])) cpt += 1 self.filePointer.write("\n") # except KeyError: # continue # tagcounter += 1 self.filePointer.write("$EndElements\n")
RegisterWriterClass(".msh", GmshWriter)
[docs]def CheckIntegrity_OriginalIdsForTags(GUI: bool = False): import os from Muscat.Helpers.IO.TemporaryDirectory import TemporaryDirectory tempdir = TemporaryDirectory.GetTempPath() from Muscat.Containers.MeshCreationTools import CreateMeshOfTriangles import Muscat.Containers.Mesh as UM mymesh = UM.Mesh() mymesh.nodes = np.array([[0.00000000001, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0]], dtype=MuscatFloat) mymesh.originalIDNodes = np.array([1, 3, 4, 5], dtype=MuscatIndex) mymesh.nodesTags.CreateTag("coucou").AddToTag(0) tris = mymesh.GetElementsOfType(ED.Triangle_3) tris.AddNewElement([0, 1, 2], 0) tris.AddNewElement([2, 1, 3], 3) tris.originalIds = np.array([3, 5], dtype=MuscatIndex) mymesh.AddElementToTagUsingOriginalId(3, "Tag1") mymesh.AddElementToTagUsingOriginalId(5, "Tag3") OW = GmshWriter() tagMapping = dict(zip(["Tag1", "Tag3"], [10, 30])) OW.tagMapping = tagMapping print(OW) OW.Open(tempdir + os.sep + "Test_GmshWriter.geof") OW.Write(mymesh, useOriginalId=False) OW.Close() print(mymesh) WriteMeshToGmsh(tempdir + os.sep + "Test_GmshWriter_II.geof", mymesh, useOriginalId=True, tagMapping=tagMapping) return "ok"
[docs]def CheckIntegrity_SeparatedTags(GUI: bool = False): import os from Muscat.Helpers.IO.TemporaryDirectory import TemporaryDirectory tempdir = TemporaryDirectory.GetTempPath() from Muscat.Containers.MeshCreationTools import CreateMeshOfTriangles nodes = np.array([[0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [1, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0.5, 0.5, 0]], dtype=MuscatFloat) elements = np.array([[0, 1, 4], [1, 2, 4], [2, 3, 4], [3, 4, 0]]) mesh = CreateMeshOfTriangles(nodes, elements) mesh.AddElementToTag(0, "ZTag1") mesh.AddElementToTag(1, "ZTag2") mesh.AddElementToTag(2, "ZTag3") fileName = tempdir + os.sep + "Test_GmshWriterBasic.msh" print(mesh) OW = GmshWriter() OW.tagMapping = dict(zip(["ZTag1", "ZTag2", "ZTag3"], [18, 100, 230])) OW.Open(fileName) OW.Write(mesh, useOriginalId=False) OW.Close() expected = "$MeshFormat\ 2.2 0 8\ $EndMeshFormat\ $Nodes\ 5\ 1 0.0 0.0 0.0\ 2 1.0 0.0 0.0\ 3 1.0 1.0 0.0\ 4 0.0 1.0 0.0\ 5 0.5 0.5 0.0\ $EndNodes\ $Elements\ 4\ 1 2 2 18 18 1 2 5\ 2 2 2 100 100 2 3 5\ 3 2 2 230 230 3 4 5\ 4 2 2 231 231 4 5 1\ $EndElements" expected = " ".join(expected.split()) actual = " ".join(open(fileName).read().split("\n")) if actual.strip() == expected.strip(): return "ok"
[docs]def CheckIntegrity_OverlappingTags(GUI: bool = False): import os from Muscat.Helpers.IO.TemporaryDirectory import TemporaryDirectory tempdir = TemporaryDirectory.GetTempPath() from Muscat.Containers.MeshCreationTools import CreateMeshOfTriangles nodes = np.array([[0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [1, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0.5, 0.5, 0]], dtype=MuscatFloat) elements = np.array([[0, 1, 4], [1, 2, 4], [2, 3, 4], [3, 4, 0]]) mesh = CreateMeshOfTriangles(nodes, elements) mesh.AddElementToTag(0, "ZTag1") mesh.AddElementToTag(1, "ZTag1") mesh.AddElementToTag(1, "ZTag2") mesh.AddElementToTag(2, "ZTag2") mesh.AddElementToTag(2, "ZTag3") fileName = tempdir + os.sep + "Test_GmshWriterBasic.msh" print(mesh) OW = GmshWriter() OW.tagMapping = dict(zip(["ZTag1", "ZTag2", "ZTag3"], [18, 100, 230])) OW.Open(fileName) from Muscat.Helpers.CheckTools import MustFailFunctionWith MustFailFunctionWith(OverlappingTagException, OW.Write, mesh, useOriginalId=False) return "ok"
[docs]def CheckIntegrity(GUI: bool = False): from Muscat.Helpers.CheckTools import RunListOfCheckIntegrities toTest = [CheckIntegrity_SeparatedTags, CheckIntegrity_OriginalIdsForTags, CheckIntegrity_OverlappingTags] return RunListOfCheckIntegrities(toTest, GUI=GUI)
if __name__ == "__main__": print(CheckIntegrity()) # pragma: no cover