Source code for Muscat.IO.InpReader

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is subject to the terms and conditions defined in
# file 'LICENSE.txt', which is part of this source code package.

"""Inp file reader (Abaqus simulation file)
import os
import re
import csv

import numpy as np

from Muscat.Types import MuscatFloat, MuscatIndex
from Muscat.Helpers.Timer import Timer
import Muscat.Containers.ElementsDescription as ED
from Muscat.Containers.Filters.FilterObjects import ElementFilter
from Muscat.IO.ReaderBase import ReaderBase
from Muscat.IO.AbaqusTools import InpNameToMuscat, permutation
import Muscat.FE.ProblemData as ProblemData
from Muscat.LinAlg.Transform  import Transform
import Muscat.Containers.Mesh as UM

KeywordToIgnore = ["INITIAL CONDITIONS",
                    "DISTRIBUTION TABLE",
                    "SOLID SECTION",
                    "CONNECTOR SECTION",
                    "SURFACE INTERACTION",
                    "CONTACT PAIR",
                    "ED. PART",
                    "ED. INSTANCE",
                    "ED. ASSEMBLY",
                    "NODE OUTPUT",
                    "Element Output",
                    "LOAD CASE",
                    "End Step",
                    "SOLVER CONTROLS",

intFilter = re.compile("^[0-9]*$")

[docs]def JoinInp(filename): fII = open("join_"+filename,"w") def copyContent(filename): for l in open(filename,"r"): if len(l) >=8 and l[0:8] == "*INCLUDE": copyContent( l.split("=")[1].strip()) pass else: fII.write(l) copyContent(filename)
[docs]def SplitInp(filename): f = InpReader() f.SetFileName(fileName= filename) fII = open("split_"+filename,"w") f.StartReading() pairs = {"PART":"*ED. PART", "INSTANCE":"*ED. INSTANCE", "STEP":"*ED. STEP", "Step":"*End Step", "ASSEMBLY":"*ED. ASSEMBLY",} def WriteOnFile(inputFile, outputFile, waitFor="*", pwd="./"): print("working on " , " ", pwd) if pwd != "./" and waitFor != "*": os.mkdir(pwd) keywordCpt = 0 l = inputFile.ReadCleanLine() while(True): if l is None: return None if l[0:len(waitFor)] == waitFor: if waitFor == "*": return l else: outputFile.write(l+"\n") return inputFile.ReadCleanLine() if l[0] == "*": localData = LineToDic(l) keyword = localData["KEYWORD"]+"_"+str(keywordCpt) keywordCpt += 1 outputFile.write("*INCLUDE INPUT="+pwd+keyword+".partial\n") kf = open(pwd+keyword+".partial","w") kf.write(l+"\n") if localData["KEYWORD"] in pairs: waitForIn=pairs[localData["KEYWORD"]] else: waitForIn="*" print("Creating file ", pwd+keyword+"/main.partial","w") l = WriteOnFile(f, kf, waitFor=waitForIn, pwd=pwd+keyword+"/") else: outputFile.write(l+"\n") l = inputFile.ReadCleanLine() WriteOnFile(f,fII,waitFor="$$",pwd="./")
[docs]def LineToDic(text): res = {} for l in csv.reader([text], delimiter=',', quotechar='"'): for f in l: if len(f) == 0: continue if f[0] == "*": res["KEYWORD"] = f[1:] else: if f.find("=") >-1: s = f.split("=") res[s[0].lstrip().rstrip().upper()] = s[1].lstrip().rstrip().lstrip('"').rstrip('"') else: res[f.lstrip().rstrip().upper()] = True return res
[docs]def LineToList(text): return list(csv.reader([text], delimiter=',', quotechar='"'))[0]
[docs]def LineToListNoQuote(text): return [s.strip() for s in text.split(",")]
[docs]def DiscardTillNextStar(func): while(True): currentText = func() if currentText is None: break if len(currentText) > 1 and currentText[0] == "*": break return currentText
[docs]def ReadInp(fileName:str='',string:str='',out=None,**kwargs): """Function API for reading an Abaqus inp file Parameters ---------- fileName : str, optional name of the file to be read, by default None string : str, optional data to be read as a string instead of a file, by default None out : Mesh, optional output unstructured mesh object containing reading result, by default None Returns ------- Mesh output unstructured mesh object containing reading result """ reader = InpReader() reader.SetFileName(fileName) reader.SetStringToRead(string) return reader.Read(fileName=fileName, string=string,out=out,**kwargs)
[docs]class InpReader(ReaderBase): """Inp Reader class """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.commentHeader= "**" self.readFormat = 'r' self.meta = None self.includeReaders = []
[docs] def find(self,l,expr): res = l.upper().find(expr.upper()) return res
[docs] def PeekLine(self)-> str: """Read a line without advancing Returns ------- str the next line in the input buffer """ if len(self.includeReaders) : return self.includeReaders[-1].PeekLine() return super().PeekLine()
[docs] def ReadCleanLine(self): """Read the next data line in the file (ignore comments)""" # in the inp abaqus the lines ending in ',' are splitted in multiple lines if len(self.includeReaders) : res = self.includeReaders[-1].ReadCleanLine() if res is None: self.includeReaders.pop() return self.ReadCleanLine() else: return res res = super().ReadCleanLine() if res is None: return res #here open the incuded file an put it in the lifo list if res.startswith("*INCLUDE"): localData = LineToDic(res[8:]) localFilename = localData["INPUT"] localReader = InpReader() if not os.path.isabs(localFilename): localFilename = self.filePath + localFilename localReader.SetFileName(localFilename) localReader.StartReading() self.includeReaders.append(localReader) return self.ReadCleanLine() if res[-1] == ",": line = self.PeekLine() if len(line) == 0: return res if line[0] != "*": return res + " "+ super().ReadCleanLine() return res
[docs] def Read(self,fileName=None,string=None, out=None): """Function that performs the reading of an Inp file Parameters ---------- fileName : str, optional name of the file to be read, by default None string : str, optional data to be read as a string instead of a file, by default None out : Mesh, optional output unstructured mesh object containing reading result, by default None Returns ------- Mesh output unstructured mesh object containing reading result """ if fileName is not None: self.SetFileName(fileName) if string is not None: self.SetStringToRead(string) self.StartReading() if out is None: res = UM.Mesh() else: res = out coefficient = 1. meta = ProblemData.ProblemData() fileToInternalIdPoint = {} fileToInternalIdElement = {} fileToGlobalElementId = {} l = self.ReadCleanLine() FENames = {} while(True): print(l) if not l: break localData = LineToDic(l) if "KEYWORD" in localData and localData["KEYWORD"] in KeywordToIgnore: print("Ignoring keyword: '" + str(localData["KEYWORD"]) +"' jumping to the next star" ) l = DiscardTillNextStar(self.ReadCleanLine ) continue if self.find(l,"*HEADING")>-1: l = self.ReadCleanLine() HEADING = "" while(True): if l is None or l.find("*") > -1 or not l: break HEADING += str(l) + "\n" l = self.ReadCleanLine() continue if self.find(l,"**LENGTH UNITS")>-1: if l.find("mm")>-1: coefficient = 0.001 l = self.ReadCleanLine() continue if self.find(l,"*NODE")>-1: nodes= [] originalIds = [] cpt:MuscatIndex = 0 l = self.ReadCleanLine() dim:MuscatIndex = 3 s = None while(True): if len(l) == 0 or l[0]=="*" or not l: break s = LineToListNoQuote(l) oid = int(s[0]) fileToInternalIdPoint[oid] = cpt nodes.append(list(map(float,s[1:])) ) originalIds.append(oid) cpt += 1 l = self.ReadCleanLine() if s is not None: # we use the last point to detect the dimensionality of the mesh dim = len(s)-1 res.nodes = np.array(nodes,dtype=MuscatFloat) res.nodes.shape = (cpt,dim) res.originalIDNodes = np.array(originalIds,dtype=MuscatIndex) continue if self.find(l,"*ELEMENT")>-1: data = LineToDic(l) elementType = data["TYPE"] elementName = InpNameToMuscat[elementType] per = permutation.get(elementType,None) l = self.ReadCleanLine() elements = res.GetElementsOfType(elementName) initialNumberOfElements = elements.GetNumberOfElements() while(True): if l is None or not l or l[0]== "*" : break s = LineToListNoQuote(l) oid = int(s[0]) conn = [fileToInternalIdPoint[x] for x in map(int,s[1:]) ] cid = elements.AddNewElement(conn,oid)-1 if elementName not in FENames: FENames[elementName] = [] FENames[elementName].append(elementType) fileToInternalIdElement[oid] = (elements,cid) l = self.ReadCleanLine() if per is not None: elements.connectivity = elements.connectivity[:,per] finalNumberOfElements = elements.GetNumberOfElements() if "ELSET" in data: elementSetName = data["ELSET"] elements.GetTag(elementSetName).AddToTag(range(initialNumberOfElements,finalNumberOfElements)) elif elementType == "CONN3D2": elements.GetTag("CONN3D2").AddToTag(range(initialNumberOfElements,finalNumberOfElements)) res.ComputeGlobalOffset() continue if self.find(l,"*NSET")>-1: data = LineToDic(l) nodeSetName = data['NSET'] l = self.ReadCleanLine() nodesIds = [] if "GENERATE" in localData and localData["GENERATE"]: d = LineToList(l) d = (list(map(int,d) )) nodesIds = range(d[0],d[1]+1,d[2]) tag = res.nodesTags.CreateTag(nodeSetName,False) tagsIds = [fileToInternalIdPoint[x] for x in nodesIds if x in fileToInternalIdPoint ] if len(tagsIds) != len(nodesIds): print("Warning NSET GENERATE : not all the node ids generated are present in the mesh ") tag.AddToTag(tagsIds) l = self.ReadCleanLine() continue else: while(True): if l is None: break if l.find("*") > -1 or not l: break s = l.replace(',', '').split() nodesIds.extend(map(int,s)) l = self.ReadCleanLine() continue tag = res.nodesTags.CreateTag(nodeSetName,False) tag.AddToTag([fileToInternalIdPoint[x] for x in nodesIds ]) continue globalOffset = res.ComputeGlobalOffset() if len(fileToGlobalElementId) == 0: for (oi,(elements, id)) in fileToInternalIdElement.items(): fileToGlobalElementId[oi] = globalOffset[elements.elementType] + id if self.find(l,"*ELSET")>-1: elementSetName = localData['ELSET'] l = self.ReadCleanLine() ds = [] tagsNames = [] while(True): if l is None or l.find("*") > -1 or not l: if len(ds) > 0: ids = [fileToGlobalElementId[dd] for dd in ds ] res.AddElementsToTag(ids, elementSetName ) if len(tagsNames) >0 : for elName, elData, elIds in ElementFilter(res, eTag=tagsNames): tag = elData.tags.CreateTag(elementSetName,False).AddToTag(elIds) break s = LineToListNoQuote(l) # number are ids, str are names ds.extend([int(ss) for ss in s if intFilter.match(ss) ] ) tagsNames.extend([ss for ss in s if not intFilter.match(ss) ] ) l = self.ReadCleanLine() continue continue if self.find(l,"*DISTRIBUTION")>-1: data = LineToDic(l) location = data['LOCATION'] # "ELEMENT" name = data['NAME'] # "ELEMENT" table = data['TABLE'] # "ELEMENT" if table == "DistributionTable_Orientation": NumberOfData = 6 elif table == "DistributionTable_Density": NumberOfData = 1 elif table == "DistributionTable_Elastic": NumberOfData = 9 elif table == "DISTRIB_TABLE": NumberOfData = 9 else: raise Exception("Error! ") data = np.zeros((res.GetNumberOfElements(),NumberOfData)) buffer = np.zeros(NumberOfData) if location == "ELEMENT": l = self.ReadCleanLine() s = l.split(',') if len(s[0]) == 0: #default values s = list(map(float,s[1:])) if len(s) < NumberOfData: # multiline data s.extend(map(float,self.ReadCleanLine().split(',')) ) s = np.array(s) for i,v in enumerate(s): data[:,i] = v l = self.ReadCleanLine() while(True): if l is None or l.find("*") > -1 or not l: break s = l.split(",") elementTagName = s[0].split(".")[-1] buffer[0:len(s)-1] = np.array(s[1:], dtype = MuscatFloat ) if len(s) < NumberOfData: # multiline data buffer[len(s)-1:] = np.fromstring(self.ReadCleanLine(), dtype =MuscatFloat, sep="," ) #s.extend( ) #map(float,self.ReadCleanLine().replace(',', ' ').split()) ) #else : # s = np.array(s[1:], dtype = MuscatFloat ) list(map(float,s[1:])) #s= np.array(s) for elementName, elementData, elementsIds in ElementFilter(res ,tag=elementTagName): data[elementsIds+elementData.globaloffset,:] = buffer l = self.ReadCleanLine() if table == "DistributionTable_Orientation": res.elemFields["V1"] = data[:,0:3] res.elemFields["V2"] = data[:,3:] elif table == "DistributionTable_Density": res.elemFields["density"] = data elif table == "DistributionTable_Elastic": res.elemFields["E"] = data res.elemFields["E1"] = data[:,0] res.elemFields["E2"] = data[:,1] res.elemFields["E3"] = data[:,2] res.elemFields["Nu12"] = data[:,3] res.elemFields["Nu13"] = data[:,4] res.elemFields["Nu23"] = data[:,5] res.elemFields["G12"] = data[:,6] res.elemFields["G13"] = data[:,7] res.elemFields["G23"] = data[:,8] continue if self.find(l,"*MATERIAL") > -1: data = LineToDic(l) name = data["NAME"] mat = ProblemData.Material() while(True): l = self.ReadCleanLine() if l is None: break data = LineToDic(l) t = data["KEYWORD"] if t not in ["ELASTIC","DENSITY","EXPANSION","ELASTIC","DISTRIBUTION"] : break if t == "DISTRIBUTION": print("Ignoring DISTRIBUTION") l = DiscardTillNextStar(self.ReadCleanLine ) break if t == "EXPANSION": if "ZERO" in data: mat.AddProperty(t,"ZERO",data["ZERO"]) if "TYPE" in data: st = data["TYPE"] else: st = None l = self.ReadCleanLine() s = list(l.strip('\n').strip().split() ) mat.AddProperty(t,st,s) meta.materials[name] = mat continue if self.find(l,"*ORIENTATION")>-1: data = LineToDic(l) orient = Transform() name = data["NAME"] orient.system = data["SYSTEM"] if orient.system != "RECTANGULAR": s = list(map(float, self.ReadCleanLine().replace(","," ").split() )) orient.SetFirst(s[0:3]) orient.SetSecond(s[3:6]) if len(s) >= 9: orient.SetOffset(s[6:9]) meta.orientations[name] = orient l = DiscardTillNextStar(self.ReadCleanLine ) continue if self.find(l,"*SURFACE")>-1: data = LineToDic(l) name = data["NAME"] if data["TYPE"] == "ELEMENT": l = self.ReadCleanLine() while(True): if l is None: break if l.find("*") > -1 or not l: break s = l.split(",") originalElemNumber = int(s[0]) faceNumber = int(s[1].lstrip().rstrip()[-1])-1 elements,cid = fileToInternalIdElement[originalElemNumber][0] connectivity = elements.connectivity[cid,:] faceType, faceLocalConnectivity = ED.faces[elements.elementType][faceNumber] faceConnectivity = connectivity[faceLocalConnectivity] elements = res.GetElementsOfType(faceType) cid = elements.AddNewElement(faceConnectivity,-1) if faceType not in FENames: FENames[faceType] = [] FENames[faceType].append("NA") elements.GetTag(name).AddToTag(cid-1) l = self.ReadCleanLine() continue res.ComputeGlobalOffset() continue else: raise Exception("NOT IMPLEMENTED sorry") #*COUPLING, CONSTRAINT NAME="Coupling-1", REF NODE=239100, SURFACE="Rigid Connection1-1" #*KINEMATIC #1, 6 if localData["KEYWORD"] == "STEP": data = LineToDic(l) name = data["NAME"] l = self.ReadCleanLine() cs = ProblemData.StudyCase() while(True): data = LineToDic(l) if "KEYWORD" in data and data["KEYWORD"] in [ "ED. STEP", "END STEP"]: l = self.ReadCleanLine() break if "KEYWORD" in data and data["KEYWORD"] == "STATIC": cs.type = "STATIC" l = DiscardTillNextStar(self.ReadCleanLine) continue print(l) print(localData) print(("line starting with <<"+l[:20]+">> not considered in the reader")) l = self.ReadCleanLine() raise Exception("Error reading file") self.EndReading() res.originalIDNodes = np.squeeze(res.originalIDNodes) feNames = [] for elementName in res.elements.keys(): feNames.extend(FENames[elementName]) res.elemFields["FE Names"] = np.array(feNames,dtype=np.str_) res.PrepareForOutput() self.meta = meta return res
from Muscat.IO.IOFactory import RegisterReaderClass RegisterReaderClass(".inp",InpReader)
[docs]def CheckIntegrity(): res1 = LineToDic('*NSET, NSET="Fixed Displacement1", KEY2=5') if res1['KEY2'] != '5': return "not ok" data = u"""** ------------------------------------------------------- ** ABAQUS input file ** File exported by VISUAL-ED.IRONMENT : Version10.7 ** on 2016-4-8, at 10Hr:44min ** ------------------------------------------------------- **LENGTH UNITS: mm *NODE 1, 3.0310898125000696, 1.7500003247594429, 0.00059999999999149622 2, 2.9785080000000002, 0.87500000000000011, 0.75012199999999996 3, 3.1961719999999998, 1.0006690000000003, 1.5926899999999999 4, 2.2943020000000001, 0.4799735, 1.4870170000000003 5, 2.9259249999999999, 0., 1.4996439999999893 6, 2.7781790000000002, 0.78753359999999994, 2.3200409999999998 *ELEMENT, TYPE=C3D4, ELSET=AM1_labo 1, 1, 2, 3, 4 2, 3, 5, 6, 4""" res = ReadInp(string=data) from Muscat.Helpers.IO.TemporaryDirectory import TemporaryDirectory tempdir = TemporaryDirectory.GetTempPath() f =open(tempdir+"test.inp","w") f.write(data) f.close() res = ReadInp(fileName=tempdir+"test.inp") print(res) return 'ok'
if __name__ == '__main__': print(CheckIntegrity())# pragma: no cover