Source code for Muscat.IO.ProcastResultReader

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is subject to the terms and conditions defined in
# file 'LICENSE.txt', which is part of this source code package.

"""Procast result file reader

import numpy as np

import Muscat.Containers.Mesh  as UM

[docs]def ReadResult(nbNodes, fileName=None, string=None): """Function API for reading a Procast result file Parameters ---------- nbNodes : int number of nodes to read fileName : str, optional name of the file to be read, by default None string : str, optional data to be read as a string instead of a file, by default None Returns ------- np.ndarray, np.ndarray times steps and temperature read from the procast result file """ if fileName is not None: string = open(fileName, 'r') elif string is not None: from io import StringIO string = StringIO(string) timeSteps = [] temperature = np.empty((nbNodes,0),dtype=np.double) while (True) : line = string.readline() if line == "": break #for line in string: l = line.strip('\n').lstrip().rstrip() if len(l) == 0: continue if l.find("2 4 1 5 2 1")>-1: line = string.readline() l = line.strip('\n').lstrip().rstrip() s = l.split() timeSteps.append(int(s[3])) newTemp = np.empty((nbNodes,1),dtype=np.double) line = string.readline(); line = string.readline(); l = line.strip('\n').lstrip().rstrip() while(True): s = l.split() index = int(s[0])-1 line = string.readline() l = line.strip('\n').lstrip().rstrip() s = l.split() newTemp[index] = float(s[0]) line = string.readline() l = line.strip('\n').lstrip().rstrip() if len(l) == 0: continue if l.find("-1") > -1: break temperature = np.hstack((temperature, newTemp)) continue return timeSteps, temperature
[docs]def CheckIntegrity(): __teststring = u""" -1 55 TEMPERATURE ProCAST RESULTS, ESI 2 4 1 5 2 1 2 1 0 0 0.00000E+00 1 1.53000E+03 2 1.53000E+03 3 1.53000E+03 4 1.53000E+03 -1 -1 55 TEMPERATURE ProCAST RESULTS, ESI 2 4 1 5 2 1 2 1 0 2140 2.12800E+03 1 5.41073E+02 2 5.41557E+02 3 5.42009E+02 4 5.42137E+02 -1 """ nbNodes = 4 timeSteps, temperature = ReadResult(nbNodes, string=__teststring) print(timeSteps) print(temperature) from Muscat.Helpers.IO.FileTools import WriteTempFile filename = WriteTempFile(filename="procastResultTest",content=__teststring) timeSteps, temperature = ReadResult(nbNodes, fileName=filename) return 'ok'
if __name__ == '__main__': print(CheckIntegrity())# pragma: no cover