Source code for Muscat.IO.XdmfReader

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is subject to the terms and conditions defined in
# file 'LICENSE.txt', which is part of this source code package.

"""Xdmf file reader
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import List, Union
import os
import sys
import numpy as np
import xml.sax

from Muscat.Helpers.TextFormatHelper import TFormat
from Muscat.Types import MuscatIndex, MuscatFloat
import Muscat.Containers.ElementsDescription as ED
from Muscat.IO.XdmfTools import FieldNotFound, HasHdf5Support, XdmfNumber

from Muscat.Containers.ConstantRectilinearMeshTools import CreateConstantRectilinearMesh
from Muscat.Containers.ElementsContainers import ElementsContainer, AllElements
from Muscat.Containers.Mesh import Mesh
from Muscat.IO.IOFactory import RegisterReaderClass

[docs]def ReadXdmf(fileName): """Function API for reading an xdmf file Parameters ---------- fileName : str name of the file to be read Returns ------- Mesh output unstructured mesh object containing reading result """ obj = XdmfReader(filename=fileName) return obj.Read()
[docs]class XdmfBase(object): """ Base class for all the xdmf related objects """
[docs] def ReadAttribute(self, attrs, name, default=None): """" Helper to read attributes""" if name in attrs: return attrs.get(name) else: if default is None: raise KeyError(f"Key :'{name}' not available (you can add a default value to bypass this error)") else: return default
[docs] def TreatCDATA(self) -> None: """Default implementation to read the heavy data""" pass
def __AttributesToStr(self) -> str: """ Helper function to make easier the introspection """ import inspect res = '' TFormat.II() attributes = inspect.getmembers(self, lambda a: not inspect.isroutine(a)) attributes = [a for a in attributes if not (a[0].startswith('__') and a[0].endswith('__')) and a[0][0].isupper()] # print(attributes) for a in attributes: # print(a) res += TFormat.GetIndent() + str(a[0]) + ' : ' + str(a[1]) + '\n' TFormat.DI() return res
[docs]class Xdmf(XdmfBase): """ Top class for the xdmf Document """ def __init__(self): List[XdmfDomain] = []
[docs] def GetDomain(self, nameOrNumber: Union[str,MuscatIndex]) -> XdmfDomain: """ Get a Grid (XdmfGrid) using a name or a number """ if isinstance(nameOrNumber, str): for g in if g.Name == nameOrNumber: return g raise Exception("Domain '"+nameOrNumber + "' not Found") else: return[nameOrNumber]
def __str__(self): res = 'Xdmf\n' TFormat.II() for d in res += d.__str__() TFormat.DI() return res
[docs]class XdmfDomain(XdmfBase): """A Domain. Can contain many grids""" def __init__(self): self.grids: List[XdmfGrid] = [] self.Name: str = '' self.information = []
[docs] def GetGrid(self, NameOrNumber: Union[str, MuscatIndex]) -> XdmfGrid: """ Get a Grid (XdmfGrid) using a name or a number """ if isinstance(NameOrNumber, str): for g in self.grids: if g.Name == NameOrNumber: return g raise Exception(f" grid with name '{NameOrNumber}' not found") else: return self.grids[NameOrNumber]
[docs] def ReadAttributes(self, attrs): self.Name = self.ReadAttribute(attrs, 'Name', '')
def __str__(self): res = TFormat.GetIndent() + 'XdmfDomain\n' TFormat.II() for g in self.grids: res += g.__str__() TFormat.DI() return res
[docs]class XdmfGrid(XdmfBase): """ a Grid: contains a mesh (points and connectivity ) and fields by (element, nodes, grid)""" def __init__(self): self.information = [] self.topology: Union[None, XdmfTopology] = None self.geometry: Union[None,XdmfGeometry] = None self.attributes:List[XdmfAttribute] = [] self.Name: str = '' self.GridType: str = 'Uniform' self.time : Union[None,XdmfTime] = None
[docs] def GetSupport(self) -> Mesh: """Returns the support defined in the Xdmf file Returns ------- Mesh or ConstantRectilinearMesh output mesh object containing reading result """ if self.geometry is None or self.topology is None: raise RuntimeError("Cant recover support of an empty (uninitialized) XdmfGrid") res = Mesh() if self.geometry.Type == "ORIGIN_DXDYDZ": swapper = [2, 1, 0] res = CreateConstantRectilinearMesh(dimensions=self.topology.GetDimensions()[swapper], origin=self.geometry.GetOrigin(), spacing=self.geometry.GetSpacing() ) elif self.geometry.Type == "XYZ": res.nodes = np.ascontiguousarray(self.geometry.GetNodes().reshape((-1, 3)), dtype=MuscatFloat) res.elements = self.topology.GetConnectivity() res.GenerateManufacturedOriginalIDs() res.PrepareForOutput() if np.linalg.norm(res.nodes[:, 2]) == 0: from Muscat.Containers.MeshModificationTools import LowerNodesDimension res = LowerNodesDimension(res) elif self.geometry.Type == "XY": res.nodes = self.geometry.GetNodes().reshape((-1, 2)) res.elements = self.topology.GetConnectivity() res.GenerateManufacturedOriginalIDs() res.PrepareForOutput() else: raise RuntimeError(f" geometry type unknown ({self.geometry.Type})") nodeFields = {name: self.GetPointField(name)[0] for name in self.GetPointFieldsNames()} elemFields = {name: self.GetCellField(name)[0] for name in self.GetCellFieldsNames()} for name, data in nodeFields.items(): if data.shape[0] == res.GetNumberOfNodes() and data.dtype == np.int8 and np.min(data) >= 0 and np.max(data) <= 1: res.nodesTags.CreateTag(name).SetIds(np.where(data == 1)[0]) else: res.nodeFields[name] = data for name, data in elemFields.items(): if data.shape[0] == res.GetNumberOfElements() and data.dtype == np.int8 and np.min(data) >= 0 and np.max(data) <= 1: res.AddElementsToTag(np.where(data)[0], tagname=name) else: res.elemFields[name] = data return res
[docs] def ReadAttributes(self, attrs): self.Name = self.ReadAttribute(attrs, 'Name', default="") self.GridType = self.ReadAttribute(attrs, 'CollectionType', default="Uniform")
[docs] def HasField(self, name): for a in self.attributes: if a.Name == name: return True return False
[docs] def GetTime(self): """Returns time at which data is read Returns ------- float time at which data is read """ if self.time is None: return None else: return self.time.Value[0]
[docs] def GetFieldsNames(self): return [a.Name for a in self.attributes]
[docs] def GetPointFieldsNames(self) -> List[str]: return [a.Name for a in self.attributes if a.Center == "Node"]
[docs] def GetCellFieldsNames(self) -> List[str]: return [a.Name for a in self.attributes if a.Center == "Cell"]
[docs] def GetGridFieldsNames(self) -> List[str]: return [a.Name for a in self.attributes if a.Center == "Grid"]
[docs] def GetPointFields(self) -> List[np.ndarray]: return self.GetFieldsOfType("Node")
[docs] def GetPointField(self, name) -> List[np.ndarray]: return self.GetFieldsOfType("Node", name)
[docs] def GetCellFields(self) -> List[np.ndarray]: return self.GetFieldsOfType("Cell")
[docs] def GetCellField(self, name) -> List[np.ndarray]: return self.GetFieldsOfType("Cell", name)
[docs] def GetGridFields(self) -> List[np.ndarray]: return self.GetFieldsOfType("Grid")
[docs] def GetGridField(self, name) -> List[np.ndarray]: return self.GetFieldsOfType("Grid", name)
[docs] def GetFieldsOfType(self, ftype, name=None): res = [] for a in self.attributes: if name is not None: if a.Name != name: continue if a.Center == ftype: data = a.dataitems[0].GetData() if self.geometry.Type == "ORIGIN_DXDYDZ": if a.Type == "Vector": data = data.transpose(2, 1, 0, 3) else: data.shape = self.topology.GetDimensions() data = data.transpose(2, 1, 0).ravel() res.append(np.copy(data)) return res
[docs] def GetFieldData(self, name, noTranspose=False): for att in self.attributes: if att.Name == name: data = att.dataitems[0].GetData() if self.geometry.Type == "ORIGIN_DXDYDZ": if att.Type == "Vector": if noTranspose: return data else: return data.transpose(2, 1, 0, 3) else: if noTranspose: return data else: return data.transpose(2, 1, 0) return data raise FieldNotFound(name)
[docs] def GetFieldTermsAsColMatrix(self, fieldname, offset=0): # first we check the padding max 8 zeros of padding padding = 0 for i in range(8): padding = i ss = fieldname+str(offset).zfill(padding) # print ss if self.HasField(ss): break # print(padding) else: raise FieldNotFound(fieldname) # first we check the number of terms #print('padding ' + str(padding)) cpt = 0 while (self.HasField(fieldname + str(offset+cpt).zfill(padding))): cpt += 1 # get the firt data to get the type and the size d_0 = self.GetFieldData(fieldname+str(offset).zfill(padding)) # now we allocate the np matrix for the data res = np.empty([d_0.size, cpt], dtype=d_0.dtype) res[:, 0] = d_0.reshape(d_0.size) for i in range(1, cpt): res[:, i] = self.GetFieldData(fieldname+str(offset+i).zfill(padding)).reshape(d_0.size) return res
[docs] def GetFieldTermsAsTensor(self, fieldname, sep='_', offseti=0, offsetj=0): from itertools import product # first we check the padding max 8 zeros of padding paddingi = 0 paddingj = 0 for i, j in product(range(8), range(8)): paddingi = i paddingj = j ss = fieldname + str(offseti).zfill(paddingi) + sep + str(offsetj).zfill(paddingj) if self.HasField(ss): break else: raise FieldNotFound(fieldname+"*" + str(offseti) + sep + "*" + str(offsetj)) # first we check the number of terms cpti = 0 while (self.HasField(fieldname+str(offseti+cpti).zfill(paddingi) + sep + str(offsetj).zfill(paddingj))): cpti += 1 cptj = 0 while (self.HasField(fieldname+str(offseti).zfill(paddingi) + sep + str(offsetj+cptj).zfill(paddingj))): cptj += 1 # get the firt data to get the type and the size d_0_0 = self.GetFieldData(fieldname+str(offseti).zfill(paddingi) + sep + str(offsetj).zfill(paddingj)) # now we allocate the np matrix for the data res = np.empty([d_0_0.size, cpti, cptj], dtype=d_0_0.dtype) for i in range(0, cpti): for j in range(0, cptj): #print(fieldname + str(offseti+i).zfill(paddingi) + sep + str(offsetj+j).zfill(paddingj)) res[:, i, j] = self.GetFieldData(fieldname + str(offseti+i).zfill(paddingi) + sep + str(offsetj+j).zfill(paddingj)).reshape(d_0_0.size) return res
def __str__(self): res = TFormat.GetIndent() + 'XdmfGrid\n' TFormat.II() for info in self.information: res += info.__str__() res += TFormat.GetIndent() + 'Name : ' + self.Name + '\n' res += self.geometry.__str__() res += self.topology.__str__() for att in self.attributes: res += att.__str__() TFormat.DI() return res
[docs]class XdmfInformation(XdmfBase): """ class for extra information in the xmdf file""" def __init__(self): self.Name = '' self.Value = ''
[docs] def ReadAttributes(self, attrs): self.Name = self.ReadAttribute(attrs, 'Name') self.Value = self.ReadAttribute(attrs, 'Value')
def __str__(self): res = TFormat.GetIndent() + 'XdmfInformation\n' res += self._XdmfBase__AttributesToStr() return res
[docs]class XdmfTopology(XdmfBase): """ XdmfTopology class: stores the connectivity of the Grid""" def __init__(self): self.dataitems = [] self.Dimensions = None self.Type = None def __str__(self): res = TFormat.GetIndent() + 'XdmfTopology\n' res += self._XdmfBase__AttributesToStr() return res
[docs] def ReadAttributes(self, attrs): self.Type = self.ReadAttribute(attrs, 'Type', default=-1) if self.Type == -1: self.Type = self.ReadAttribute(attrs, 'TopologyType') # if self.Type != "Mixed": try: self.Dimensions = np.array(self.ReadAttribute(attrs, 'Dimensions').split(), dtype='int')[::-1] except: pass
# d = self.dataitems[0].ReadAttribute(attrs,'Dimensions').split() # print(d) # self.Dimensions = np.array(d, dtype='int')[::-1] # print(self.Dimensions)
[docs] def GetConnectivity(self) -> AllElements: from Muscat.IO.XdmfTools import XdmfNumberToEN from Muscat.IO.XdmfTools import XdmfNameToEN from Muscat.Containers.ElementsContainers import ElementsContainer, AllElements, StructuredElementsContainer res = AllElements() if self.Type == "Mixed": rawdata = self.dataitems[0].GetData() ts = len(rawdata) cpt = 0 elcpt = 0 while cpt < ts: # print(rawdata) # print(XdmfNumberToEN) elementName = XdmfNumberToEN[rawdata[cpt]] if rawdata[cpt] == 0x2 or rawdata[cpt] == 0x1: cpt += 1 cpt += 1 elements = res.GetElementsOfType(elementName) connectivity = np.ascontiguousarray(rawdata[cpt:elements.GetNumberOfNodesPerElement()+cpt], dtype=MuscatIndex) elements.AddNewElement(connectivity, elcpt) elcpt += 1 cpt += elements.GetNumberOfNodesPerElement() return res elif self.Type == "3DCoRectMesh": raise elif self.Type == "3DSMesh": if len(self.Dimensions) == 3: data = StructuredElementsContainer(ED.Hexahedron_8) else: data = StructuredElementsContainer(ED.Quadrangle_4) data.SetDimensions(self.Dimensions) res.AddContainer(data) return res else: en = XdmfNameToEN[self.Type] data = ElementsContainer(en) data.connectivity = np.ascontiguousarray(self.dataitems[0].GetData().ravel(), dtype=MuscatIndex) size = (len(data.connectivity)//ED.numberOfNodes[en], ED.numberOfNodes[en]) data.connectivity.shape = size data.cpt = size[0] res.AddContainer(data) return res
[docs] def GetDimensions(self) -> np.ndarray: if self.Dimensions is None: return self.dataitems[0].Dimensions return self.Dimensions[::-1]
[docs]class XdmfGeometry(XdmfBase): """XdmfGeometry class: stores the point positions """ def __init__(self): self.dataitems = [] self.Type = None def __str__(self): res = TFormat.GetIndent() + 'XdmfGeometry\n' res += self._XdmfBase__AttributesToStr() return res
[docs] def ReadAttributes(self, attrs): if 'Type' in attrs: self.Type = self.ReadAttribute(attrs, 'Type') else: self.Type = self.ReadAttribute(attrs, 'GeometryType')
[docs] def GetOrigin(self) -> np.ndarray: if self.Type == "ORIGIN_DXDYDZ": # self.Read() return self.dataitems[0].GetData()[::-1] else: raise Exception # pragma: no cover
[docs] def GetSpacing(self) -> np.ndarray: if self.Type == "ORIGIN_DXDYDZ": # self.Read() return self.dataitems[1].GetData()[::-1] else: raise Exception # pragma: no cover
[docs] def GetNodes(self) -> np.ndarray: if self.Type == "XYZ" or self.Type == "XY": return self.dataitems[0].GetData() else: raise Exception # pragma: no cover
[docs]class XdmfAttribute(XdmfBase): """ XdmfAttribute class: to store the data over the grids """ def __init__(self): self.dataitems = [] self.Name = '' self.Type = '' self.Center = '' self.CDATA = ''
[docs] def ReadAttributes(self, attrs): self.Name = self.ReadAttribute(attrs, 'Name') try: self.Type = self.ReadAttribute(attrs, 'Type') except: self.Type = self.ReadAttribute(attrs, 'AttributeType') self.Center = self.ReadAttribute(attrs, 'Center')
def __str__(self): res = TFormat.GetIndent() + 'XdmfAttribute\n' TFormat.II() res += TFormat.GetIndent() + 'Name : ' + self.Name + '\n' res += TFormat.GetIndent() + 'Type : ' + self.Type + '\n' res += TFormat.GetIndent() + 'Center : ' + self.Center + '\n' for d in self.dataitems: res += d.__str__() TFormat.DI() return res
[docs]class XdmfTime(XdmfBase): """ XdmfTime class: to store the data over the grids """ def __init__(self): self.Value = None
[docs] def ReadAttributes(self, attrs): self.Value = np.array(self.ReadAttribute(attrs, 'Value').split(), dtype=MuscatFloat)
def __str__(self): res = TFormat.GetIndent() + 'XdmfTime' TFormat.II() res += TFormat.GetIndent() + 'Value : ' + str(self.Value) + '\n' TFormat.DI() return res
[docs]class XdmfDataItem(XdmfBase): """ XdmfDataItem class : class to manage the reading of the data Heavy and light """ def __init__(self): self.Type = None self.Dimensions = [] self.Precision = None self.Format = None self.Data = [] self.CDATA = '' self.Seek = 0 self.Endian = "Native"
[docs] def ReadAttributes(self, attrs, path): self.path = path self.Dimensions = np.array(self.ReadAttribute(attrs, 'Dimensions').split(), dtype='int') if 'DataType' in attrs: self.Type = self.ReadAttribute(attrs, 'DataType') elif 'NumberType' in attrs: self.Type = self.ReadAttribute(attrs, 'NumberType') else: self.Type = 'float' if ((self.Type.lower() == 'float' or self.Type.lower() == 'int') and 'Precision' in attrs): self.Precision = int(self.ReadAttribute(attrs, 'Precision')) self.Format = self.ReadAttribute(attrs, 'Format') self.Seek = int(self.ReadAttribute(attrs, 'Seek', 0)) self.Endian = self.ReadAttribute(attrs, 'Endian', "Native")
def __str__(self): res = TFormat.GetIndent() + 'XdmfDataItem \n' TFormat.II() res += TFormat.GetIndent() + 'Type : ' + self.Type + '\n' res += TFormat.GetIndent() + 'Dimensions : ' + str(self.Dimensions) + '\n' if self.Type.lower() == 'float': res += TFormat.GetIndent() + 'Precision : ' + str(self.Precision) + '\n' elif self.Type.lower() == 'int': res += TFormat.GetIndent() + 'Precision : ' + str(self.Precision) + '\n' res += TFormat.GetIndent() + 'Format : ' + str(self.Format) + '\n' res += TFormat.GetIndent() + 'Data : \n ' + TFormat.GetIndent() + str(self.Data) + '\n' res += TFormat.GetIndent() + 'CDATA : \n ' + TFormat.GetIndent() + str(self.CDATA) + '\n' TFormat.DI() return res
[docs] def TreatCDATA(self): if len(self.CDATA) == 0: return if self.Format == 'XML': if self.Type.lower() == 'float': if self.Precision == 4: numpytype = 'float32' else: numpytype = 'float_' elif self.Type.lower() == 'int': numpytype = 'int_' elif self.Type.lower() == 'char': numpytype = 'int8' self.Data = np.array(self.CDATA.split(), dtype=numpytype) self.Data = self.Data.reshape(self.Dimensions) self.CDATA = '' elif self.Format == 'HDF': filename, dataSetPath = str(self.CDATA).strip().split(":",1) # print(dataSetPath) from h5py import File as __File f = __File(os.path.join(self.path, filename), 'r') # print(f[dataSetPath]) self.Data = np.array(f[dataSetPath]) self.Data = self.Data.reshape(self.Dimensions) # print(self.Data) self.CDATA = '' elif self.Format == 'Binary': if self.Type.lower() == 'float': if self.Precision == 4: numpytype = 'float32' else: numpytype = 'float_' elif self.Type.lower() == 'int': if self.Precision == 4: numpytype = np.int32 elif self.Precision == 8: numpytype = np.int64 else: raise Exception(f"Dont know how to treat this type of Precision: {self.Precision}") elif self.Type.lower() == 'char': numpytype = 'int8' binfilename = str(self.CDATA).strip() binfile = open(os.path.join(self.path, binfilename), "rb") self.Data = np.fromfile(binfile, dtype=numpytype, if self.Endian == "Native": pass elif self.Endian == "Big" and sys.byteorder == "little": self.Data.byteswap(inplace=True) elif self.Endian == "Little" and sys.byteorder == "big": self.Data.byteswap(inplace=True) self.Data.shape = self.Dimensions binfile.close() self.CDATA = '' else: raise Exception("Heavy data in format '" + self.Format + "' not suported yet") # pragma: no cover
[docs] def GetData(self): self.TreatCDATA() return self.Data
[docs]class XdmfReader(xml.sax.ContentHandler): """Xdmf Reader class """ def __init__(self, filename=''): super().__init__() self.xdmf = Xdmf() self.pile = [] self.path = '' self.filename = '' self.SetFileName(filename) self.readed = False self.lazy = True self.canHandleTemporal = True self.time = np.array([]) self.timeToRead = -1 self.encoding = None
[docs] def Reset(self): """Resets the reader """ self.xdmf = Xdmf() self.pile = [] self.readed = False self.timeToRead = -1 self.time = np.array([])
[docs] def SetFileName(self, filename): """Sets the name of file to read Parameters ---------- filename : str file name to set """ # if same filename no need to read the file again if self.filename == filename: return self.readed = False self.filename = filename self.path = os.path.dirname(filename)
[docs] def ReadMetaData(self): """Function that performs the reading of the metadata of a xdmf file: sets the time attribute of the reader """ self.lazy = True times = [] self.Read() for i, grid in enumerate([0].grids): t = grid.GetTime() if t == None: continue times.append(t) self.time = np.array(times)
[docs] def GetAvailableTimes(self): """Returns the available times at which data can be read Returns ------- np.ndarray available times at which data can be read """ return self.time
[docs] def SetTimeToRead(self, time=None, timeIndex=None): """Sets the time at which the data is read Parameters ---------- time : float, optional time at which the data is read, by default None timeIndex : int, optional time index at which the data is read, by default None Returns ------- int time index at which the data is read """ if time is not None: self.timeToRead = time else: if timeIndex is not None: self.timeToRead = self.time[timeIndex] else: self.timeToRead = -1
[docs] def Read(self, fileName=None): """Function that performs the reading of the data defined in an ut file Parameters ---------- fileName : str, optional name of the file to read, by default None Returns ------- Mesh or ConstantRectilinearMesh output mesh object containing reading result """ if self.timeToRead == -1.: timeIndex = len(self.time)-1 else: if len(self.time) == 0: timeIndex = -1 else: timeIndex = np.argmin(abs(self.time - self.timeToRead)) if fileName is not None: self.SetFileName(fileName) self.readed = False if len(self.filename) == 0: raise Exception('Need a filename ') # read only one time the filel if self.readed: return self.Reset() thefile = open(self.filename, "r") # to deactivate the DTD validation parser = xml.sax.make_parser() parser.setContentHandler(self) parser.setFeature(xml.sax.handler.feature_external_ges, False) parser.parse(thefile) thefile.close() return self.xdmf.GetDomain(-1).GetGrid(timeIndex).GetSupport()
# this a a overloaded function (must start with lower case) !!!!!
[docs] def startElement(self, name, attrs): if name == "Xdmf": self.pile.append(self.xdmf) return father = self.pile[-1] if name == "Domain": res = XdmfDomain() res.ReadAttributes(attrs) elif name == 'Grid': res = XdmfGrid() res.ReadAttributes(attrs) # for the moment we use a flat representation (no GridType collection) if "GridType" in attrs and attrs.get("GridType").lower() == "collection": res = father else: father.grids.append(res) elif name == 'Information': res = XdmfInformation() res.ReadAttributes(attrs) father.information.append(res) elif name == 'Topology': res = XdmfTopology() res.ReadAttributes(attrs) father.topology = res elif name == 'Geometry': res = XdmfGeometry() res.ReadAttributes(attrs) father.geometry = res elif name == 'DataItem': res = XdmfDataItem() res.ReadAttributes(attrs, self.path) father.dataitems.append(res) elif name == 'Attribute': res = XdmfAttribute() res.ReadAttributes(attrs) father.attributes.append(res) elif name == "Time": res = XdmfTime() res.ReadAttributes(attrs) father.time = res else: raise Exception("Unknown tag : '" + name + "' Sorry!") # pragma: no cover self.pile.append(res)
# this a a overloaded function (must start with lower case) !!!!!
[docs] def characters(self, content): #print("*** " + content + " +++ ") father = self.pile[-1] if isinstance(father, XdmfDataItem): father.CDATA += content # Note: '+=', not '='
# this a a overloaded function (must start with lower case) !!!!!
[docs] def endElement(self, name): if self.lazy: self.pile.pop() else: self.pile.pop().TreatCDATA()
def __str__(self): res = '' for d in res = d.__str__() + "\n" return res
RegisterReaderClass(".xdmf", XdmfReader) RegisterReaderClass(".pxdmf", XdmfReader)
[docs]def CheckIntegrity(): # All the try pasrt are to execute the code for error handling. # The code in the try(s) must raise exceptions # TODO Verified if the exceptions are the good ones # Get TestData directory from Muscat.TestData import GetTestDataPath TestDataPath = GetTestDataPath() # Create a Reader res = XdmfReader() try: res.Read() return 'Not OK' # pragma: no cover except Exception as e: pass for filename in ["Unstructured.xmf", "UnstructuredBinary.xmf", "UnstructuredAscii.xmf"]: if not HasHdf5Support() and filename == "Unstructured.xmf": continue res = XdmfReader(filename=TestDataPath + filename) res.lazy = False res.Read() res = XdmfReader(filename=TestDataPath + filename) # read only the xml part res.Read() rep = res.__str__() # print(rep) # Test xdmf part*********************** a = res.xdmf.__str__() try: res.xdmf.GetDomain("Imaginary Domain") return 'Not OK' # pragma: no cover except Exception as e: pass res.xdmf.GetDomain("Dom 1") domain = res.xdmf.GetDomain(0) # Test domain part*********************** try: domain.GetGrid("imaginary grid") return 'Not OK' # pragma: no cover except Exception as e: pass domain.GetGrid(0) grid = domain.GetGrid("Grid") # Test Grid part************************************************************** names = grid.GetFieldsNames() if names[0] != 'RTData': raise Exception() grid.HasField(names[0]) grid.HasField('toto') try: data = res.xdmf.GetDomain("Dom 1").GetGrid("Grid").GetFieldData('ImaginaryField') return 'Not OK' # pragma: no cover except Exception as e: pass grid.GetFieldTermsAsColMatrix('term_') try: grid.GetFieldTermsAsColMatrix('ImaginaryField_') return 'Not OK' # pragma: no cover except Exception as e: pass grid.GetFieldTermsAsTensor('TensorField_', offsetj=1) try: grid.GetFieldTermsAsTensor('ImaginaryField_', offsetj=1) return 'Not OK' # pragma: no cover except Exception as e: pass grid.GetFieldData('IntField') try: grid.GetFieldData('UnknownField') return 'Not OK' # pragma: no cover except Exception as e: pass data =[0].GetGrid("Grid").GetFieldData('RTData') if data[49] != 260.0: raise geo =[0].GetGrid("Grid").geometry.dataitems[0].GetData() # print(geo) if geo[0, 2] != -1: raise topo =[0].GetGrid("Grid").topology.dataitems[0].GetData() # print(topo) if topo[0] != XdmfNumber[ED.Hexahedron_8]: raise ######################### Structured ######################### res = XdmfReader(filename=TestDataPath + "Structured.xmf") # read only the xml part res.Read() domain = res.xdmf.GetDomain(0) # Test domain part*********************** grid = domain.GetGrid(0) # print(grid.GetFieldsOfType("Node")) # print("--") # print(grid.GetFieldsOfType("Cell")) grid.geometry.GetOrigin() grid.geometry.GetSpacing() ################################## Example1() Example2() return 'OK'
[docs]def Example1(): import Muscat.TestData as test # Create a Reader reader = XdmfReader(filename=test.GetTestDataPath() + "UnstructuredBinary.xmf") # Do the reading (only the xml part, to read all the data set lazy to False) #res.lazy = False reader.Read() # Get the domaine "Dom 1" dom = reader.xdmf.GetDomain("Dom 1") # Get the first Grid grid = dom.GetGrid(0) grid.topology.GetDimensions() names = grid.GetPointFieldsNames() allFields = grid.GetPointFields() if len(allFields): print(grid.GetPointField(names[0])) names = grid.GetCellFieldsNames() allFields = grid.GetCellFields() if len(allFields): print(grid.GetCellField(names[0])) names = grid.GetGridFieldsNames() allFields = grid.GetGridFields() if len(allFields): print(grid.GetGridField(names[0])) # Get one field (or term) dataField1 = grid.GetFieldData('RTData') dataField1 = grid.GetFieldsOfType('Node') # print(dataField1.shape) # Get all the term as a matrix dataField2 = grid.GetFieldTermsAsColMatrix('term_') # print(dataField2.shape) # Get all the term as a matrix dataField3 = grid.GetFieldTermsAsTensor('TensorField_', offsetj=1)
# print(dataField3.shape)
[docs]def Example2(): import Muscat.TestData as test reader = XdmfReader(filename=test.GetTestDataPath() + "TensorTestData.xmf") # Do the reading (only the xml part, to read all the data set lazy to False) #res.lazy = False reader.Read() # Get the domaine "Dom 1" dom = reader.xdmf.GetDomain(0)
if __name__ == '__main__': print(CheckIntegrity()) # pragma: no cover import Muscat.Helpers.Logger as Logger Logger.silent = "OK"